
A simple queue for NodeJS, with usage similar to Resque in RoR

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple queue for NodeJS, with usage similar to Resque in RoR

Installing module in Node Applicaiton

$> npm install node-simple-queue


Application sometimes require to do some job later. Node Simple Queue is a really simple way to manage a job that application needs to do in background.

To define some job you want to perform later, you need to define the job, job is a simple Javascript class that has perform method:

var TestJob=function(){}
	done(null,true) // if your job is successful
	done(err)  // if your job fails

Next we need to put the job on the queue

var NodeQueue=require('node-simple-queue').NodeQueue;
var queue=new NodeQueue();

in the above snippet of code you need to create the instance of NodeQueue class and then call enqueueJob(queue,job_class_name,data) method. Below are the 3 parameters of the function

->queue 			: Name of the queue in which you need to put this job
->job_class_name	: Name of the Job Class (String)
->data				: Data that you need to pass to perform method of your job class. Data can be String or JSON Object.

Simple! This will be stored in MongoDB.

Now we can start up a worker to grab some work off of the queue and do the work:

$> cd <to-your-project>
$> node_modules/node-simple-queue/bin/node-worker QUEUE=Queue1 WORKERS=4

That's all you have to do for starting the Workers to work on 'Queue1' with 4 workers