
Standard sbt config for dotData projects

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

dotData sbt config

Build Status

Adding the plugin to your project


Accessing GitHub Packages requires a valid GITHUB_TOKEN. It needs to be created with: public_repo, read:packages permissions.

resolvers +=  "sbt-config-releases" at "https://maven.pkg.github.com/ramencloud/sbt-config"
credentials += Credentials("GitHub Package Registry", "maven.pkg.github.com", "<github-user>", "<GITHUB_TOKEN>")
addSbtPlugin("com.dotdata" % "sbt-config" % "<latest_version>")

Run sbt reload after adding the plugin.


dotDataSettings defaults:

  failOnWarnings: Boolean = true,
  testCoverage: Double = 80.00,
  publishingEnabled: Boolean = false

To use all standard settings, use the following format:

lazy val myProject = (project in file("."))
  .settings(... other settings ...

To enable publishing with other default settings:

lazy val myProject = (project in file("."))
  .settings(dotDataSettings(publishingEnabled = true))
  .settings(... other settings ...

To enable sbt-assembly with other default settings:

lazy val myProject = (project in file("."))
  .settings(dotDataSettings(assemblyEnabled = true))
  .settings(... other settings ...

To opt-out from some settings, use the following format:

lazy val myProjectWithCustomizations = (project in file("."))
  .settings(formatSettings ++ lintingSettings() ++ testingSettings)
  .settings(coverageSettings(minimumCoverage = 80.00))
  .settings(publishSettings(publishingEnabled = false))
  .settings(... other settings ...


This sbt plugin is inspired by https://github.com/driver-oss/sbt-settings.