
Created the frontend for an ecommerce website which have following functionalities: Navbar, All products page, Create page, Product detail page, Cart page, Handle errors and success alerts etc. Handle errors as well from the API and show appropriate Alert/Notification etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front end of an e-Commerce website able to perform CRUD Operations {dummy operations as of now but it returns correct response according to operation performed} by make use of technologies like - React.js , Redux toolkit, React-router-dom, Axios, CSS and Css Modules, HTML and of course Javascript and ES6

Registered Users -

Only Registered User will be able to login, few of them are listed below :-

  1. User 1 - { "username": "johnd", "password": "m38rmF$" }
  2. user 2 - { "username": "mor_2314", "password": "83r5^_"}
  3. User 3 - {"username": "kevinryan", "password": "kev02937@"}
  4. User 4 - {"username": "donero", "password": "ewedon"}
  5. User 5 - { "username": "derek", "password": "jklg*_56" }

Hosted Link: https://e-commerce-app-cncc-ashish-patel.onrender.com