vue-vertx3-eventbus-client NPM version

VueJS v2.x compatible VertX v3.6 compatible

Vertx 3.6 EventBus plugin for VueJS that wraps official vertx3-eventbus-client@3.6.0.



You can install it via NPM.

$ npm install vue-vertx3-eventbus-client


Download zip package and unpack and add the vue-vertx3-eventbus-client.js file to your project from dist folder.


Register the plugin, it will connect to /

import VertxEventBus from 'vue-vertx3-eventbus-client'
Vue.use(VertxEventBus, { path: '/eventbus', port: 8082 })

or connect to other address:

Vue.use(VertxEventBus, {
    host: '',
    path: '/eventbus'

It is possible to pass vertx3-eventbus-client and SockJS options too:

Vue.use(VertxEventBus, {
  path: '/eventbus',
  port: 8082,
  options: {
    transports: [ // whitelist "long polling" and "websocket" Sock JS transports

Use it in your components with configuration at eventbus section:

  export default {
    name: 'Hello Vertx EventBus',
    data () {
      return {
        tableData: []
    methods: {
    eventbus: {
      lifecycleHooks: {
        created (context, eventbus) {

          let header = {
            action: 'fetchAllPages',
          let payload = {}

          eventbus.send('pages.db.queue', payload, header, function (err, reply) {
            if (err) {
              console.error('Failed to get list of pages', err)
            context.tableData = reply.body
      handlers: [
          address: 'page.saved',
          headers: {},
          callback: function () {
            // execute something upon receipt 

lifecycleHooks are executed together with corresponding Vue hooks: created, mounted, etc. Put your handler objects to handlers section. They will be registered at beforeCreate and unregistered at beforeDestroy.

EventBusClient object can be reached with this.$eventBus:

export default {
    name: 'Hello Vertx EventBus',
    data () {
      return {
        form: {}, // object contaning form fields
        saving: false //saving indicator 
    methods: {
      formSubmit () {
        let header = {action: 'savePage'}
        if (!this.$ {
          header.action = 'createPage'
        this.saving = true

        let body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.form))

        let context = this
        this.$eventBus.send('pages.db.queue', body, header, function (err, reply) {
          if (err) {
            console.error('Failed to save page', err)
            context.saving = false
          context.saving = false


This command will build a distributable version in the dist directory.

npm run build


Pull requests improving the usage and fixing bugs are welcome!


Copyleft © 2018 eRaga Infosystems and @tntclaus

@eraga @eraga