Text To Speech Web Application

This is a simple web application that allows users to convert text input into speech using the Web Speech API. Users can enter text in a textarea, click the "Listen" button to have the text spoken aloud, and use the "Pause" button to pause the speech.


  • Convert text to speech.
  • Pause the speech.
  • Responsive design for various screen sizes.

Getting Started

To use this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/eraltafs/Ordrio-technologies.git
  2. Open the project folder in VS code and Go Live.


  1. Open the application in your web browser.

  2. Enter the text you want to convert to speech in the textarea.

  3. Click the "Listen" button to start speech synthesis.

  4. Click the "Pause" button to pause the speech if needed.

File Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file for the web application.
  • src/script.js: JavaScript code for text-to-speech functionality.
  • styles/styles.css: CSS file for styling the application.