
GraphQL-PG transpiles your arbitrary complex graphql query into a single postgresql select statement.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status


GraphQL and PostgreSQL are both fantastic technologies and are already used a lot together to build great applications. But it often take a considerable amount of developer time to bring both together in a performant manner due to the compositional nature of GraphQL.

Two problems often arise:

  1. sending to many SQL queries over the network, resulting in the N+1 problem
  2. more complex and handwritten SQL queries, which will eagerly (over-) fetch data, trying to mitigate the N+1 problem

GraphQL-PG circumvents those problems by pushing down the compositional nature of GraphQL right into PostgreSQL. This is done by transpiling a GraphQL query into a single optimized SQL statement.


npm install --save graphql-pg


Local setup

Checkout project

git clone https://github.com/jzimmek/graphql-pg
cd ./graphql-pg

Install dependencies and build modules

for i in . graphiql demo; do
  yarn install
  pushd $i && yarn run build && popd

Setup database for demo application

pushd demo && yarn run schema && popd

Start demo application locally

pushd demo && ./local-dev.sh && popd
open http://localhost:3000/