Shows a (random) Pokémon in your terminal!
npm i -g pokemonshow
Shows a (random) Pokémon in your terminal!
$ pokemonshow <nameOrNumber>
--xterm, -x Outputs xterm instead of image in
--say Announces the name of the Pokémon
--shiny Chooses the shiny sprite of the Pokémon (if available)
--female Chooses the female sprite of the Pokémon (if available)
--form Chooses a specific form of the Pokémon (if available)
--gen8 Chooses the gen8 sprite of the Pokémon (if available)
--list Lists all the available Pokémon
--list-forms Lists all Pokémon with special forms
--verbose, -v Outputs logs about the chosen Pokémon
$ pokemonshow
$ pokemonshow rotom
$ pokemonshow pikachu --form="gmax"
$ pokemonshow porygon --shiny
$ pokemonshow raichu --gen8 -x
All the data is based on the pokesprite project. You might want to look at this page to see the full list of Pokémon available.
- The small images are only displayed on iTerm2 >= 3.x (using term-img). All other terminals will default to the xterm files.
Please notice I don't own Pokémon or anything related to it. Pokémon is property of The Pokémon Company.
You will need:
- NodeJS 12.x or newer
- npm
If you need to update the images and xterm files, you will need:
- ImageMagick
- img2xterm (this needs to be compiled from source)
Then run
npm run scrape && npm run make-xterm