
Sync GitHub starred repos to a Raindrop.io collection

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sync GitHub starred repos to a Raindrop.io collection

Based off azedo/raindrop-io-github-starred-repos


  • Node 18


  1. Copy and rename the .env.example to .env;
  2. Generate a personal token for github and add it to the .env file https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token;
  3. Generate an authentication token in the raindrop.io app:
    1. Go to -> https://app.raindrop.io/settings/integrations;
    2. Then click + Create a new app under the For Developers section;
    3. Now, click on the name of your fresh generated app and then click in Create test token;
    4. Finally copy this test token in the .env file;
  4. Open the Raindrop.io app in a browser, browse to the collection you want to use and grab its id from the URL
    1. https://app.raindrop.io/my/26677018 -> 26677018 is the collection ID
    2. Add it to the .env file
  5. npm install
  6. npm start
  7. Tada! The script will
    1. Fetch your starred repos
    2. Look if for already existing bookmarks in Raindrop
    3. Add the missing bookmarks