
Scrapes your twitter account for Nintendo Switch media and uploads it to Dropbox

Primary LanguageTypeScript

What's this?

Like the (very verbose) repo name implies, this is a small Node script that uses Twitter's API to download media uploaded using the Nintendo Switch Twitter integration and uploads them to Dropbox for archival and later sharing.

How do I use this?

You will need a couple of things:

  • A machine/server running NodeJS (the more recent the better)
    • I'll figure out how to setup this repo on Glitch soon so it will be serverless™️ 😎
  • A twitter app on your account and the access tokens (see this tutorial)
  • A Dropbox account with a personal app created, alongside an access token (if you don't know how to get this, here's a tutorial)


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/eramdam/twitter-nintendo-switch-dropbox

Then, create a new file called .env at the root of the repo and fill it as follows:


Finally, install the dependencies of the project:

npm i

Then build the JS files

npm run build


On your own server

Find a way to run the main npm script in the background. I personally use a tmux session that runs npm start but you can use something like forever or pm2.

Then, you basically want to call your web server on a regular basis (every minute works great and will keep you below Twitter's API's rate limit), this is trivial using cron

* * * * * curl http://localhost:3000/a-random-suite-of-words

On Glitch.com