
Best Practice, Surgery level responsive design breakpoints system

Primary LanguageSCSS


Best Practice, Surgery level responsive design breakpoints system both width and height media queries

layout: docs title: Breakpoints description: Breakpoints are customizable widths that determine how your responsive layout behaves across device or viewport sizes group: layout toc: true

Core concepts

  • Breakpoints are the building blocks of responsive design. Use them to control when your layout can be adapted at a particular viewport or device size.

  • Use media queries to architect your CSS by breakpoint. Media queries are a feature of CSS that allow you to conditionally apply styles based on a set of browser and operating system parameters. We most commonly use min-width in our media queries.

  • Mobile first, responsive design is the goal. Bootstrap's CSS aims to apply the bare minimum of styles to make a layout work at the smallest breakpoint, and then layers on styles to adjust that design for larger devices. This optimizes your CSS, improves rendering time, and provides a great experience for your visitors.

Available breakpoints

includes five default breakpoints, sometimes referred to as grid tiers, for building responsively. These breakpoints can be customized.

Breakpoint Dimension - Width Dimension - Height
Small <(0em, 40em); /* 0, 640px */ <(0em, 22.5em); /* 0, 360px */
Medium ≥(40.063em, 64em); /* 641px, 1024px */ ≥(22.5625em, 36em); /* 361px, 576px */
Large ≥(64.063em, 90em); /* 1025px, 1440px */ ≥(36.0625em, 50.625em); /* 577px, 810px */
Extra Large ≥(90.063em, 120em); /* 1441px, 1920px */ ≥(50.6875em, 67.5em); /* 811px, 1080px */
Extra Extra large ≥(120.063em); /* 1921px */ ≥(67.5625em); /* 1081px */
 @import 'src/assets/breakpoints.scss';
  //by width
  @media #{$xlarge-height}  { 
        display: block;
 //by height
 @media #{$xlarge-height-up}  { 
        display: block;