CNonymizer When working with data from third parties you may sometimes wish to store them on your own devices or you need "dummy" data for a presentation. With a short text or a simple screenshot this is easy. But what if your work rely on a big amount of data like a database dump? This is where CNonymizer can help you with the folowing features: Word Replacements: cnonymizer -t secret.txt -o anondata/ -c replacements.ini In replacements.ini a list of words to replace is given to CNonymizer. The form is word=replace one per line. In addition regular expressions are supported e.g.: room([0-9]+)=balloon$1. The $1 in the replacement will be the same number as in the word before. IP, MAC and Switch Port Tampering cnonymizer -t secret.txt -o anondata/ -i -m -s This scenario creates a pseudo random number mapping and replaces IPs, MAC-Addresses and Switch Ports (in the form Fa0/1 as Cisco uses them). Important! Each number will have a fixed counterpart. So if IP-Addresses are used as keys in a database dump the relations will still work, which is very usefull in some test scenarios. Computer name tampering cnonymizer -t secret.txt -o anondata/ -n This case is based on the observation, that enterprises often uses IDs in the form "000000012345" for their client systems. These IDs can also be tampered by CNonymizer, but will surely not fit in every case. Special Case: Very long lines in a file cnonymizer -t secret.txt -o anondata/ -a -d , If the data is stored in a format that uses very long lines, this can slow down CNonymizer. For this case you can use the -d parameter to define a different separator for data segments. By default this is the newline character. The anonymization in each case works fast and uses minimal memory resources. This software is in a very early developement state. Please report any bugs you may encounter and ask if you have questions. This will help me to improve CNonymizer. Finally a WARNING: This software is NOT using cryptographic methods it simply destroys clear relations between the anonymized and the original data. CNonymizer cannot ensure the absolute impossibility of data reconstruction. Secret data should be kept secret!