In-Memory virtual file system

A functional implementation in scala of a simple CLI for a virtual file system.


  • Supported Directory methods

    • $ mkdir <dirname> - creates and empty directory in the current working directory.
    • $ cd <dirname> - changes the current directory into <dirname>.
    • $ ls - lists the contents of the current directory.
    • $ rm <dirname> - removes the <dirname> from the current directory.
    • $ pwd - prints the entire current working directory.
  • Supported File methods

    • $ touch <filename> - create a new file with the name <filename> inside the current directory.
    • $ rm <filename> - removes the file <filename> from the current directory.
    • $ echo <content (...)> > <filename> - writes <content> into the file filename. if the file does'nt exist - creates it with content, if it does - overwrites the content
    • $ echo <content (...)> >> filename - appends content into the file filename.
    • $ cat <filname> - prints the content of the file filename

Implemented as part of the Rock the JVM scala beginners course.