MediaAlpha Exercises

1. Password checker:

The validity of a password is determined according to the following rules:

  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Between 8-11: requires mixed case letters, numbers and symbols
  • Between 12-15: requires mixed case letters and numbers
  • Between 16-19: requires mixed case letters
  • 20+: any characters desired

The following is_valid subroutine returns 1 if a password is valid and 0 if not.

sub is_valid
  my $password = $_[0];
  my $password_length = length $password;
  if ($password_length < 8 ) {
    return 0;
  my $result = 1;
  if ($password_length < 20) {
    $result = $result && has_mixed_cases($password)
  if ($password_length < 16 ) {
     $result = $result && has_number($password)
  if ($password_length < 12 ) {
    $result = $result && has_symbol($password)
  return $result;

sub has_mixed_cases
  return $_[0] =~ m[(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*];

sub has_number
  return $_[0] =~ m[(?=.*\d).*];

sub has_symbol
  return $_[0] =~ m[(?=.*[-!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}\[\]:";'<>?,.\/]).*];

2. Parentheses Removal

This is a java command line application.


A machine running java 1.8

Build steps:
  1. Clone repo to your machine
git clone
  1. change into the project main directory, and use gradle to build the project:
$ ./gradlew build 

From the main project directory, execute using the java command

$ java -jar ./build/libs/excercises-1.0.jar 

Enter an expression when prompt. The output will be the same expression without any redundant parentheses.

For example:

Please enter an expression:
> 1*(2+(3*(4+5)))
Please enter an expression:
> 2 + (3 / -5)
2 + 3 / -5
Please enter an expression:
> x+(y+z)+(t+(v+w))
Please enter an expression:
> exit

Type "exit" to stop, or hit ctrl+c