
Receive influxdb line protocol and INSERT the data to PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

Copyright Erkki Seppälä erkki.seppala@vincit.fi 2020

License: MIT


IW2PG is a service for receiving inbound Influxdb line protocol via simple HTTP POST and converting it to INSERT commands to a PostgreSQL database; and by extension to a TimeScaleDB.

Basically it listens in some port—8086 by default—and upon receiving a connection it reads all the data there is and sends the appropriate INSERT .. ON CONFLICT .. DO UPDATE SET .. on it within a transaction, using ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN .. to add new columns as needed (if not using JSONB fields) or even add whole new tables with CREATE TABLE if so configured (so, by default).


I felt the Influxdb query language was limited but its input facility excellent. PostgreSQL/TimeScaleDB also allows storing relational data in the same database which can be quite nice for making queries with joins.


Thanks to #postgresql on FreeNode for advice!


Currently the supported YAML configuration is minimal (JSON also supported by the YAML library, not tested though). Here is an example (note that this does not provide user authentication):

    db_host: dbserver1
    db_port: 5432
    db_name: test
    db_user: user42
    db_password: passw0rd

somedb is the label used in endpoint http://localhost:8086/write?db=somedb and determines which db to send the data to. Other parameters should be self-explanatory.

Database setup

There are three ways to go about setting tables. Either you can

  • put all the tags and fields in JSONB fields (providing best dynamic behavior and is the default configuration)
  • or you can put all the tags and fields in separate fields of a table
  • or you can mix and match

The default is to also create new tables automatically. You can control this with the create_tables configuration. If you create the tables manually, then you must provide a UNIQUE INDEX covering time column and all the tags columns (or that one JSONB column). The index is used to automatically determine which fields are used for the tags.

CREATE TABLE testtable (
    time timestamptz NOT NULL,
    tags JSONB NOT NULL,          -- all the tags
    fields JSONB NOT NULL,        -- all the fields
    PRIMARY KEY(time, tags)

Putting tags in a JSONB field (default setting) provides the best Influxdb emulation, as IW2PG cannot create new tags fields due to the problem of it requiring recreating the index whenever a new field is added; however if it is fine to limit the set of fields beforehand, then that may provide the nicest SQL query experience.

Similarly, when putting tags in separate fields and creating tables manually, you must provide a UNIQUE INDEX covering time and all the tags.

CREATE TABLE testtable (
    time timestamptz NOT NULL,
    id STRING NOT NULL,           -- tag
    location STRING NOT NULL,     -- tag
    temperature DOUBLE PRECISION, -- field
    co2 DOUBLE PRECISION,         -- field
    PRIMARY KEY(time, id, location)    -- list time and all the tags

Even when putting fields as separate fields is IW2PG able to add new fields by issuing ALTER TABLE testtable ADD COLUMN .., which is fast because the values are NULLable and thus doesn't require rewriting the table columns in modern PostgreSQL.

Supported PostgreSQL data types

Data type

Note that JSONB cannot be used as data per se as the Influxdb line protocol doesn't support it.

Building and running

You can find the complete compilation instructions from the Dockerfile. Or you can just use

docker build -t iw2pg .

to build an image (takes about 8 min on my laptop) based on debian:buster-slim and start it with

docker run --rm --name iw2pg -p 8086:8086 -v $PWD/config.json:/app/config.json iw2pg

for a first test after creating config.json. For real use you probably want to use -d --restart always as well. The container doesn't (currently) contain any written data so no volumes are required for persisting data.

Supported command line parameters and their environment variable versions:

Environment variable Command-line switch Description
IW2PG_PORT -p n --port n Set the TCP port or Unix Domain Socket to listen on.
IW2PG_CONFIG -c file.yaml --config file.yaml Set the configuration file.
IW2PG_LOG_LEVEL --verbosity=quiet|error|warning|info|debug Set logging verbosity; defaults to "warning"

The container also supports the --help switch:

docker run --rm iw2pg --help


Written in OCaml. Read the Dockerfile for exact dependencies (so the list of required apt and opam packages); use dune build to build.

Run tests with dune runtest. It requires docker to run the image timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg11.

Running tests

docker pull timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg11
dune runtest

You of course need to have docker configured for your user and you only need to do the pull the first time. It would also get automatically pulled from inside the test, but due to the default timeouts and that the operation may take some time, I suggest downloading it beforehand.