
Twitter client library for elixir.

Primary LanguageElixir

ExTwitter Build Status Coverage Status

Twitter client library for elixir. It uses erlang-oauth to call Twitter's REST API.

It only supports very limited set of functions yet. Refer to lib/extwitter.ex and test/extwitter_test.exs for available functions and examples.


  1. Add extwitter to deps section in the mix.exs.
  2. Use ExTwitter.configure to setup Twitter's OAuth authentication paramters. Refer to https://dev.twitter.com/docs for the detail.
  3. Call functions in ExTwitter module (ex. ExTwitter.search("test")).
defp deps do
    {:oauth, github: "tim/erlang-oauth"},
    {:extwitter, "~> 0.1"}


Sample execution on iex.

$ iex -S mix
Interactive Elixir - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
   consumer_key: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY"),
   consumer_secret: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET"),
   access_token: System.get_env("TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
   access_token_secret: System.get_env("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET")


Example for normal API.

ExTwitter.search("elixir-lang", [count: 5]) |>
   Enum.map(fn(tweet) -> tweet.text end) |>
   Enum.join("\n-----\n") |>

@xxxx have you tried this yet?
@yyyy You mean this? http://t.co/xxxx That had sailed below my radar thus far.
@zzzz #elixir-lang. I'm jadams
Akala ko 100 nalang kulang ko sa dark elixir para sa Barb King summoner level.
@aaaa usually kasi magbbuzz lang yan pag luma na string. talaga ang elixir.

Example for streaming API.

stream = ExTwitter.stream_filter(track: "apple") |>
  Stream.map(fn(x) -> x.text end) |>
  Stream.map(fn(x) -> IO.puts "#{x}\n---------------\n" end)

Apple 'iWatch' rumour round-up
Apple iPhone 4s 16GB Black Verizon - Cracked Screen, WORKS PERFECTLY!
Apple iPod nano 7th Generation (PRODUCT) RED (16 GB) (Latest Model) - Full read by

The ExTwitter.stream_control method allows to send a message to stop the stream.

# An example to stop receiving stream after 5 seconds passed.
pid = spawn(fn ->
  stream = ExTwitter.stream_filter(track: "apple")
  for tweet <- stream do
    IO.puts tweet.text

ExTwitter.stream_control(pid, :stop)

Twitter returns several message types (dev.twitter.com - Streaming message types). These messages are returned when receive_messages option is specified.

stream = ExTwitter.stream_sample(receive_messages: true)
for message <- stream do
  case message do
    tweet = %ExTwitter.Model.Tweet{} ->
      IO.puts "tweet = #{tweet.text}"

    deleted_tweet = %ExTwitter.Model.DeletedTweet{} ->
      IO.puts "deleted tweet = #{deleted_tweet.status["id"]}"

    limit = %ExTwitter.Model.Limit{} ->
      IO.puts "limit = #{limit.track}"

    stall_warning = %ExTwitter.Model.StallWarning{} ->
      IO.puts "stall warning = #{stall_warning.code}"

    _ ->
      IO.inspect message


run_iex.sh launches iex, with initially calling ExTwitter.configure defined as iex/dot.iex.

$ ./run_iex.sh
Erlang R16B03 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10]...
Interactive Elixir (0.12.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> (ExTwitter.search("josevalim") |> List.first).text