This application forwards log messages from Linux's /dev/log
and /dev/klog
to a GenEvent process. Based on fhunleth/l2elog.
While this may seem completely backwards, when using the Nerves framework, Erlang takes a central role and much of the standard Linux userspace is either not needed or minimal. In this environment, most log messages originate in Erlang, but not all. This utility forwards the remainder of those messages so that messages from the kernel and any C programs aren't lost
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
Add journalx to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:journalx, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure journalx is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:journalx]] end
Add or remove an handler:
Log event: {:log, priority :: 0..7, message :: String.t}