
Easily add tasks to Todoist with customizable templates

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Easily add tasks to Todoist with customizable templates.

The aim of this project is to facilitate the creation of tasks on the Todoist platform thanks to simple templates.

A template is nothing more than a file written in YAML or JSON whose structure reflects the hierarchy Project - Session (optional) - Task. Projects, sessions and labels are automatically created if they don't already exist on your Todoist.

Todois.com templates always create a new project, while the big difference here is that with todoist-template you can add tasks to existing projects or to the Inbox. Another difference is the ability to parameterize templates. For example, by passing parameters from the command-line, you can create tasks with custom due date. Anyway todoist-template can also import Todoist.com CSV templates.

Installing / Getting started

Before you start check the prerequisite and install instructions.

Authorization token

todoist-template uses Todoist REST API, in order to make authorized calls, you must provide the Todoist authorization token.

When you run todoist-template for the first time, the application will ask you for the Todoist authorization token and it will be stored in the system keyring service. These keyring backends are supported:

  • macOS Keychain
  • Freedesktop Secret Service supports many IDE including GNOME (requires secretstorage)
  • KDE4 & KDE5 KWallet (requires dbus)
  • Windows Credential Locker

To use todoist-template with different authorization tokens use the --id arguments (see Run todoist-template) or specify --token argument.

Run todoist-template

python todoist-template.py [options]

Where options are:

Option Default Description
TEMPLATE stdin Mandatory path to the YAML or JSON template file
-h, --help Show help message and exit
-D KEY0=VAL0,KEY1=VAL1... The placeholder values replaced in template or the CSV file
--id SERVICE_ID TODOIST-TEMPLATE Keyring service name where store Todoist API Token
--version Show program's version number and exit
-d, --debug False More verbose output. Default log level is INFO
-q, --quiet False Suppress output
--dry-run False Allows the todoist-template command to run a trial without making any changes on Todoist.com, this process has the same output as the real execution except for new object IDs.
-u, --update it updates task with the same name instead of adding a new one
--undo UNDOFILE Loads undo file and rollbacks all operations in it
--token API_TOKEN The Todoist authorization token. It will use this token instead of reading it from Keyring service
--gui Start Todoist-Template service with web frontend


python todoist_template.py -d templates/simple_template0.yml

Run todoist-template from different users specify differnet keyring service name:

python todoist_template.py [options] --id JHON-TOKENS
python todoist_template.py [options] --id MARY-TOKENS

You can use standar input to provide the template to todoist-template:

python todoist_template.py -d < templates/simple_template0.yml


todoist-template produces a undo output file. You can use it to delete all created objects and revert all modified ones. For example:

python todoist_template.py --undo simple_template0-20220808081215.undo

The undo file is named as template_file_name-YYYYmmddHHMMSS.undo.


To learn how to write and use templates please read the template examples:

Simple template

Basic template

Parameterized template

Template with placeholder replaced runtime

Complex template

Templete with multiple projects and sections and sub-tasks

Inlcude templates

Include templates to create a more complex template


See our developing guide


See our contributing guide.

Security Policies and Procedures

See our security policies and procedures guidelines.



See license