
A Ruby wrapper for the GoFile API.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Ruby wrapper for the GoFile API.
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About gofile_ruby:

gofile_ruby is a simple, zero-dependency, developer friendly wrapper for the GoFile API.


  • Logging into an account with an API token.
  • Retrieving a folder/file. *
  • Updating folder/file details.
  • Copying files/folders across folders. *
  • Uploading files.
  • Deleting files.


The endpoints for retrieving content details and copying content is only available to users with a GoFile Premium account. For this reason, testing for the aforementioned endpoints is minimal, and they might be unstable. If you wish to help this project improve, you can start by opening an issue here.

Quick Start


To install the latest release:

gem install gofile_ruby


Logging in and receiving a token with a guest account:

    require 'gofile_ruby'

    # ... (unrelated code)

    # Creates a GFClient in guest mode with @has_token set to false
    # You can omit the `guest` argument when creating a GFClient instance, 
        # as it defaults to a guest account when no token is provided
    client = GFClient.new(guest: true)

    # The GFClient instance is now in guest mode,
        # and will require you to upload a file before you can access most other endpoints.
    # This is because guest accounts do not get their token until they upload a file, 
        # and most endpoints require a token.
    file = File.open('./path/to/file')

    # `res` will now contain a `guestToken` property.
    # `gofile_ruby` will now save this token and uses it in any further API calls.
    res = client.upload_file(file: file)

    file_two = File.open('./path/to/second/file')

    # This upload call will now use the token retrieved from the first call.
    res = client.upload_file(file: file_two)

Logging in with an API token:

    require 'gofile_ruby'

    # ...

    client = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')

Uploading a file:

    require 'gofile_ruby'
    # ...

    # Creates a guest account
    client = GFClient.new

    file = File.open("./path/to/file")

    # A response object that contains data about the uploaded file (if successful) 
    res = client.upload_file(file: file)

Setting folder properties:

    require 'gofile_ruby'
    # ...

    client = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')

    folder_id = 'examplefolderid'

    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'public', value: true)
    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'public', value: false)
    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'password', value: 'password123')
    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'description', value: 'I am a description')
    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'expire', value: 1678647468)
    client.set_folder_option(folder_id: folder_id, option: 'tags', value: 'tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4,tag5')

Setting folder properties with a hash:

    require 'gofile_ruby'

    gf = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')

    folder_id = 'examplefolderid'
    options = {
        password: 'password123',
        description: 'This is a description'        

    # The #set_options_hash calls the #set_folder_option for each key-value pair in the options hash
    gf.set_options_hash(folder_id: folder_id, options: options)

    # To make error catching possible, #set_options_hash accepts a block and yields each response object into it
    gf.set_options_hash(folder_id: folder_id, options: options) { |res| puts res }

Deleting content:

    require 'gofile_ruby'
    # ...

    client = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')

    contents = 'contentid1,contentid2,contentid3,contentid4'

    res = client.delete_content(contents_id: contents)


The methods shown below are premium only and untested.

Retrieving children:

    require 'gofile_ruby'
    # ...

    client = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')
    parent_id = 'parentid123'

    res = client.get_children(parent_id: parent_id)

Copying content:

    require 'gofile_ruby'
    # ...

    client = GFClient.new(token: 'randomapitoken123456789')
    contents = 'contentid1,contentid2,contentid3,contentid4'
    destination = 'destinationid'

    res = client.copy_content(contents_id: contents, destination_id: destination)

Check out the documentation for more details.


Licensed under the MIT License