Federated Learning - PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PFL-MoE: Personalized Federated Learning Based on Mixture of Experts

In our experiments, we use two image recognition datasets to conduct model training: Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR-10. With two network models trained, we have three combinations: Fashion-MNIST + LeNet-5, CIFAR-10 + LeNet-5, and CIFAR-10 + VGG-16.




dataset+model: fmnist+lenet, cifar+lenet, cifar+vgg
$\alpha=[0.5, 0.9, 2.0]$ for each group of dataset+model


python main_local.py --dataset fmnist --model lenet --epochs 100 --gpu 0 --num_users 100 --alpha 0.5


python main_fed.py --dataset fmnist --model lenet --epochs 1000 --gpu 0 --lr 0.01 --num_users 100 --frac 0.1 --alpha 0.5


python main_gate.py --dataset fmnist --model lenet --epochs 200 --num_users 100 --gpu 1 --alpha 0.5


python main_gate.py --dataset fmnist --model lenet --epochs 200 --num_users 100 --gpu 1 --alpha 0.5 --struct

See the arguments in options.py.


Each client has two types of tests, including local test and global test.

Table 1. The average value of local test accuracy of all clients in three baselines and proposed algorithms.

non-IID Local(%) FedAvg(%) PFL-FB(%) PFL-MF(%) PFL-MFE(%)
Fashion-MNIST & LeNet5 0.5 84.87 90 92.84 92.85 92.89
0.9 82.23 90.31 91.84 92.02 92.01
2 78.63 90.5 90.47 90.97 90.93
CIFAR-10 & LeNet5 0.5 65.58 68.92 77.46 75.49 77.23
0.9 61.49 70.7 74.7 74.1 74.74
2 55.8 72.69 72.5 73.24 73.44
CIFAR-10 & VGG-16 0.5 52.77 88.16 91.92 90.63 91.71
0.9 45.24 88.45 91.34 90.63 91.18
2 34.2 89.17 90.4 90.15 90.4

Table 2. The average value of global test accuracy of all clients.

non-IID Local(%) FedAvg(%) PFL-FB(%) PFL-MF(%) PFL-MFE(%)
Fashion-MNIST & LeNet5 0.5 57.77 90 83.35 85.45 85.3
0.9 65.28 90.31 85.91 87.69 87.67
2 71.06 90.5 87.77 89.37 89.18
CIFAR-10 & LeNet5 0.5 28.89 68.92 54.28 62.33 58.27
0.9 32.1 70.7 59.93 65.78 64.13
2 35.32 72.69 66.06 69.79 69.78
CIFAR-10 & VGG-16 0.5 21.53 88.16 82.39 85.81 84.05
0.9 22.45 88.45 82.62 88.15 87.9
2 21.27 89.17 88.77 89.3 89.3

Fig 1. Fashion-MNIST + LeNet-5, $\alpha=0.9$. The global test accuracy and local test accuracy of all client of PFL-FB, PFL-MF, and PFL-MFE algorithms. All x-axis are FedAvg local test accuracy of each client (can be regarded as client index). Each point represents a test accuracy comparison between a PFL algorithm and FedAvg for a particular client.


Fig 2. CIFAR-10 + LeNet-5, $\alpha=0.9$.


Fig 3. CIFAR-10 + VGG-16, $\alpha=2.0$.



Acknowledgments give to shaoxiongji