Tasks 0. Create a SSH RSA key pair mandatory Read for this task:

Linux and Mac OS users Windows users man: ssh-keygen

You will soon have to manage your own servers concept page hosted on remote data centers. We need to set them up with your RSA public key so that you can access them via SSH.

Create a RSA key pair.


Share your public key in your answer file 0-RSA_public_key.pub Fill the SSH public key field of your intranet profile with the public key you just generated Keep the private key to yourself in a secure location, you will use it later to connect to your servers using SSH. Some storing ideas are Dropbox, Google Drive, password manager, USB key. Failing to do so will prevent you to access your servers, which will prevent you from doing your projects If you decide to add a passphrase to your key, make sure to save this passphrase in a secure location, you will not be able to use your keys without the passphrase SSH and RSA keys will be covered in depth in a later project.


GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 0-RSA_public_key.pub

  1. For Best School loop mandatory Write a Bash script that displays Best School 10 times.


You must use the for loop (while and until are forbidden) sylvain@ubuntu$ head -n 2 1-for_best_school #!/usr/bin/env bash

This script is displaying "Best School" 10 times

sylvain@ubuntu$ ./1-for_best_school Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School sylvain@ubuntu$ Note that:

The first line of my Bash script starts with #!/usr/bin/env bash The second line of my Bash scripts is a comment explaining what it is doing Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 1-for_best_school

  1. While Best School loop mandatory Write a Bash script that displays Best School 10 times.


You must use the while loop (for and until are forbidden) sylvain@ubuntu$ ./2-while_best_school Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 2-while_best_school

  1. Until Best School loop mandatory Write a Bash script that displays Best School 10 times.


You must use the until loop (for and while are forbidden) sylvain@ubuntu$ ./3-until_best_school Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 3-until_best_school

  1. If 9, say Hi! mandatory Write a Bash script that displays Best School 10 times, but for the 9th iteration, displays Best School and then Hi on a new line.


You must use the while loop (for and until are forbidden) You must use the if statement sylvain@ubuntu$ ./4-if_9_say_hi Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Best School Hi Best School sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 4-if_9_say_hi

  1. 4 bad luck, 8 is your chance mandatory Write a Bash script that loops from 1 to 10 and:

displays bad luck for the 4th loop iteration displays good luck for the 8th loop iteration displays Best School for the other iterations Requirements:

You must use the while loop (for and until are forbidden) You must use the if, elif and else statements sylvain@ubuntu$ ./5-4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance Best School Best School Best School bad luck Best School Best School Best School good luck Best School Best School sylvain@ubuntu$ For the most curious:

8 in the Chinese culture 4 in the Chinese culture Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 5-4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance

  1. Superstitious numbers mandatory Write a Bash script that displays numbers from 1 to 20 and:

displays 4 and then bad luck from China for the 4th loop iteration displays 9 and then bad luck from Japan for the 9th loop iteration displays 17 and then bad luck from Italy for the 17th loop iteration Requirements:

You must use the while loop (for and until are forbidden) You must use the case statement sylvain@ubuntu$ ./6-superstitious_numbers 1 2 3 4 bad luck from China 5 6 7 8 9 bad luck from Japan 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 bad luck from Italy 18 19 20 sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 6-superstitious_numbers

  1. Clock mandatory Write a Bash script that displays the time for 12 hours and 59 minutes:

display hours from 0 to 12 display minutes from 1 to 59 Requirements:

You must use the while loop (for and until are forbidden) Note that in this example, we only display the first 70 lines using the head command.

sylvain@ubuntu$ ./7-clock | head -n 70 Hour: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Hour: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 7-clock

  1. For ls mandatory Write a Bash script that displays:

The content of the current directory In a list format Where only the part of the name after the first dash is displayed (refer to the example) Requirements:

You must use the for loop (while and until are forbidden) Do not display hidden files sylvain@ubuntu$ ls 100-read_and_cut 1-for_best_school 6-superstitious_numbers 101-tell_the_story_of_passwd 2-while_best_school 7-clock 102-lets_parse_apache_logs 3-until_best_school 8-for_ls 103-dig_the-data 4-if_9_say_hi 9-to_file_or_not_to_file 10-fizzbuzz 5-4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance sylvain@ubuntu$ ./8-for_ls read_and_cut tell_the_story_of_passwd lets_parse_apache_logs dig_the-data fizzbuzz for_best_school while_best_school until_best_school if_9_say_hi 4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance superstitious_numbers clock for_ls to_file_or_not_to_file sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 8-for_ls

  1. To file, or not to file mandatory Write a Bash script that gives you information about the school file.


You must use if and, else (case is forbidden) Your Bash script should check if the file exists and print: if the file exists: school file exists if the file does not exist: school file does not exist If the file exists, print: if the file is empty: school file is empty if the file is not empty: school file is not empty if the file is a regular file: school is a regular file if the file is not a regular file: (nothing) sylvain@ubuntu$ file school school: cannot open `school' (No such file or directory) sylvain@ubuntu$ ./9-to_file_or_not_to_file school file does not exist sylvain@ubuntu$ touch school sylvain@ubuntu$ ./9-to_file_or_not_to_file school file exists school file is empty school is a regular file sylvain@ubuntu$ echo 'betty' > school sylvain@ubuntu$ ./9-to_file_or_not_to_file school file exists school file is not empty school is a regular file sylvain@ubuntu$ rm school sylvain@ubuntu$ mkdir school sylvain@ubuntu$ ./9-to_file_or_not_to_file school file exists school file is not empty sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 9-to_file_or_not_to_file

  1. FizzBuzz mandatory Write a Bash script that displays numbers from 1 to 100.


Displays FizzBuzz when the number is a multiple of 3 and 5 Displays Fizz when the number is multiple of 3 Displays Buzz when the number is a multiple of 5 Otherwise, displays the number In a list format sylvain@ubuntu$ ./10-fizzbuzz | head -20 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz 16 17 Fizz 19 Buzz sylvain@ubuntu$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops Directory: 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing File: 10-fizzbuzz