
HexAlertDialog is an alert dialog library that will help you to create almost fully customized alert dialogs.

Primary LanguageKotlin


HexAlertDialog is an alert dialog library that will help you to create almost fully customized alert dialogs.


Set Up

implementation 'com.ercan.hexalertdialog:hexalertdialog:1.2'
implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'


HexAlertDialog(this).apply {
    title = "Title"
    titleColor = Color.parseColor("#000000")
    titleBackgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")
    message = "This is the message."
    positiveBtnTextColor = Color.parseColor("#F05400")
    positiveBtnClickListener = {
    negativeBtnClickListener = {


Attribute Type Description Example of Use Tip/ Warning
title String The title of the dialog "Title" -
message String The message of the dialog "Message" -
positiveBtnText String The text of the positive button "Okay" -
titleColor Int The color of the title Color.parseColor("#000000") -
titleBackgroundColor Int The background color of the title Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF") -
titleDividerColor Int The color of the title divider Color.parseColor("#000000") -
messageColor Int The color of the message Color.parseColor("#000000") -
messageBackgroundColor Int The background color of the message Color.parseColor("#000000") -
buttonDividerColor Int The color of the button divider Color.parseColor("#000000") -
positiveBtnTextColor Int The text color of the positive button Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF") -
positiveBtnBackgroundColor Int The background color of the negative button Color.parseColor("#000000") -
negativeBtnTextColor Int The text color of the negative button Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF") -
negativeBtnBackgroundColor Int The background color of the negative button Color.parseColor("#000000") -
positiveImageBtnIcon Int The icon of the positive button R.drawable.ic_okay It works if attribute useIconButtons is true
negativeImageBtnIcon Int The icon of the negative button R.drawable.ic_cancel It works if attribute useIconButtons is true
dialogCornerRadius Float The radius of the dialog corners 10F -
useIconButtons Boolean Enables icon buttons true Makes invisible text buttons for positive and negative buttons
cancelOnTouchOutside Boolean if true, user can cancel by touching outside of the dialog true -
showTitleDivider Boolean Sets the visibility of the title divider true -
showButtonDivider Boolean Sets the visibility of the button divider true -
textGravity Int The text gravity of the title and message Gravity.CENTER -
dialoposition Int The position of the dialog on the screen. Gravity.CENTER -
animation Animation The animation of the dialog Animation.LEFT_TO_BOTTOM -

Animation Options (Enum)