
Angular e-commerce Application

Primary LanguageC#


Angular e-commerce Application

Here are some of the things you will learn about in this repository:

-Setting up the developer environment.

-Creating a client side front-end Angular UI for the store using the Angular CLI.

-Learn how to use the Repository, Unit of Work and specification pattern in .net core.

-Using multiple DbContext as context boundaries.

-Using ASP.NET Identity for login and registration.

-Using the angular modules to create lazy loaded routes.

-Using Automapper in ASP.NET Core.

-Building a great looking UI using Bootstrap.

-Making reusable form components using Angular Reactive forms.

-Paging, Sorting, Searching and Filtering.

-Using Redis to store the shopping basket.

-Creating orders from the shopping basket.

-Accepting payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure.

-Publishing the application to Linux.

#Setup infrastructure

#for installing Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular@cli

you can visit https://angular.io/guide/setup-local for detail informations to initialize Angular CLI

#node version manager (NVM)

visit this blog http://bit.ly/2Hn8HjG for installing node.js with NVM

NVM is provide us to switch between node versions. By NVM, you don't have to uninstall and install node version to swithing.

#for installing ngx-bootstrap (Angular Bootstrap)

npm install ngx-bootstrap --save

ngx-bootstart is not support yet Angular 11 (at that time : April 23, 2021)

for detail information please visit : https://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/documentation#getting-started

npm install bootstrap@4.6.0

#for installing font-awesome

npm install font-awesome