
A simple ray tracer written in javascript with WebWorker support.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple ray tracer written in javascript with WebWorker support.

This is a hobby project which was based on the following tutorial.



"./src" - Library source code

"./examples" - Example usages of this library


A quick note, these test applications runs faster on firefox (than chrome).

Example 1 - Simple Scene [640x480]

An example to demonstrate rendering capabilities.



Example 2 - Animated Scene [320x240]

An example to measure performance. Browser tries to render frames as quickly as it can, using the main javascript thread.



Example 3 - Animated Scene with WebWorkers (Multi Threaded) [320x240]

An example to measure web worker performance. Browser tries to render frames as quickly as it can, using 4 WebWorker.



RayTracer.js API


new Scene()

Creates a new scene.


Adds the specified element to the scene.

Array getElements()

Returns element array.


Removes all elements from the scene.


new Sphere(Vector3 center, Number radius, Material material)

Creates a new sphere.

bool intersect(Vector3 rayOrigin, Vector3 rayDir, out)

Intersects the sphere with the given ray. Out parameters are can be read as out.t0 and out.t1

Vector3 getCenter()

Returns center point.

Number getRadius()

Returns radius.

Material getMaterial()

Returns material.

Vector3 getNormal(Vector3 point)

Returns normal at the given point. Point must be in world coordinates.

JSONObject serialize()

Returns a json object with serialized data.

Sphere deserialize(JSONObject data)

Returns a new sphere object which is deserialized from the given data.


new Material(Vector3 surfaceColor, Number reflection, Number transparency, Vector3 emissionColor)

Creates a new material with the specified parameters. Parameter range is between 0 and 1. Emission color is used for lights.

Vector3 surfaceColor
Number reflection
Number transparency
Vector3 emissionColor


new Vector3(Number x, Number y, Number z)

Creates a new Vector3

Vector3 clone()

Copies the vector3 and returns a new one.

Number length2()
Number length()
Vector3 normalize()
Vector3 dotProduct(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 product(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 multiply(Number scalarValue)
Vector3 add(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 subtract(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 revert()


new RayTracer(Vector3 backgroundColor, Scene scene)

Creates a new RayTracer for the specified scene

Vector3 trace(Vector3 rayOrigin, Vector3 rayDir, depth)

Shoots the ray and returns the color.

ArrayBuffer render(Number width, Number height, Number startY, Number scanHeight)

Renders the specified part of the screen and returns the image buffer in RGBA order.


new RenderPlanner(Number jobCount, Scene scene, Vector3 backgroundColor, Number width, Number height)

Creates a new render planner for the scene and target resolution. JobCount is the WebWorker count that will be created.


Creates all workers and prepares them for rendering.


Starts all workers to render.


Returns true if rendering is not completed yet.


If scene is updated, this function should be called to notify WebWorkers.

onUpdateReceived(Number sectionStart, Number sectionHeight, Uint8ClampedArray buf8)

Callback function to notify a frame update is ready to collect. sectionStart is the y component, sectionHeight is the height component.


This class is used internally by RenderPlanner. This worker saves a copy of the scene and renders a part of the buffer. When rendering is completed it notifies the RenderPlanner. RenderWorker accpets the following messages

{"action": "elements",
"data": [SerializedElementsDataArray]}

Sets the scene

{"action": "backgroundColor",
"data": [red, green, blue]}

Sets the background color

{"action": "dimensions",
"data": [width, height, startY, scanHeight]}

Sets the dimensions of the image

{"action": "render"}

Starts rendering

When WebWorker finished, it sends the following message

{"action": "result",
"data": [Uint8ClampedArray]}