
This repository is showing simple usage of Apache CFX - wsdl2java components and workouts.

Apache CFX - wsdl2java

This repository is showing simple usage of Apache CFX - wsdl2java components and workouts.


Converting wsdl2java

  • You can find this example as wsdl2java-pom.xml

  • With this pom you can generate java client service code from WSDL.

  • wsdlPath
    Is the property of WSDL location which can be online or local source.
  • For execute this you can add to your project's pom.xml build and properties. After that at console(terminal or command promt) you can run this maven project with this command.

   $ mvn clean install -DwsdlPath=http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx?WSDL
  • Apache CFX used for this operation. If you need more options as changing service name, generate server side of service or another options.. You can visit apache cfx wsdl2java docs.