
Matlab code for gait analysis based on midstance finding.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

MidStance Gait Analysis Algorithms


This code takes in the data collected from subjects during medical evaluations. Subjects wore IMU's on the waist, wrists and ankles. Subjects were asked to perfrom different motor taskes inclduing 2 min walking. Subjects walked in open indoor enviroments. The code pulls the gait data from a log file using unix timestamps. Then it segments the data (heel-strike to heel-strike) or (Mid-stance to mid-stance).

Mutiple algorithms were assessed to determine effectiveness.

Algorithms are split into different functions and classes for ease of use. Refer to ShimmerViconTestExample.m to see how functions can be used. Classes and functions were also added for processing vicon data within a C3D file.

All code was tested in Matlab 2019a on Windows 7.

No subject data or results were pushed to github.


EMBC 2020 - Comparing different methods of gait speed estimation using wearable sensors in individuals with varying levels of mobility impairments

Scripts and functions by Erick Nunez.
Supervised by Jean-francois Daneault, PhD