
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

gitbrowser is just another attempt to get rid of gitweb. While there are many Git web interfaces, only a few understand gitolite access control lists (gitbrowser only implements the absolute minimum).


  • (basic) support for Gitolite access control lists
  • Listing of gitolite repositories via it's projects.list file
  • Github-like url structure
  • Atom feeds for repositories


All configuration is done through a GITBROWSER dict in Django's settings module. The following keys are recognized:

  • allow_anonymous If set to False, unauthenticated requests are redirected to the login page
  • clone_url_templates:
    • either a single string accepting %(paths)s for formatting, or
    • a callable accepting repo, username as it's argument. The callable should produce a list of strings
  • GL_HOME path to the home directory for the git user. Defaults to ~.
  • acl Name of the ACL class in the acl module to use for evaluating permissions. The only implementation is GitoliteACL. If you only have public accessible repositories, use AllowAllACL here.
  • lister Name of the lister class to use. The only available implementation is GitoliteProjectsFileRepositoryLister, which uses the projects.list file in GL_HOME

Display and styling

The display sub-dict takes the following keys:

  • list_style
    • tree Repositories are grouped by their relative file system paths
    • flat All repositories on a single page
    • hierarchical filesystem-like tree structure
  • commit_list_style
    • default multi-line commit list
    • condensed

Authentication and authorization

If you use an acl implementation different from AllowAllACL, make sure your Django user names and group names match those in gitolite. Since it is possible to evaluate group membership on the fly in gitolite, gitbrowser does not use the group memberships defined in gitolite's big conf or split conf. You have to duplicate the group membership in Django

ATTENTION: DO NOT USE gitbrowser's GitoliteACL implementation if you have permissions other the R(W)+ on .*

gitbrowser does not check for negative permissions (e.g. denied read access) nor does it check for permissions on refs.


  • If you have repositories with more than a few hundred commits, you should setup a cache using Django's Cache framework.