
R package for Bayesian and Frequentist Aoristic inference

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CRAN_Status_Badge development version R-hub


baorista is an R package that provides a Bayesian inferential tool for analysing time-frequencies of archaeological events associated with time spans typically obtained from relative chronological sequences (e.g. periods and phases) and often analyses using aoristic sums. At its core baorista is a frontend for fitting Bayesian models via the NIMBLE probabilistic programming language.

Please note that baorista is based on Nimble, which requires a working C++ compiler. For more information please read the dedicated section of the nimble manual.

For a quick introduction to baorista check the package vignette as well as the associated paper and its github repo


The development of this package was funded by a Philip Leverhulme Prize (PLP-2019-304) awarded to E.Crema.