
R scripts and Supplementary Material for the Manuscript "How cultural transmission through objects impacts inferences about cultural evolution"

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R scripts and Supplementary Material for the Manuscript "How cultural transmission through objects impacts inferences about cultural evolution"

This repository contains the Rmarkdown supplementary material and the R scripts for generating simulation outputs and figures for the manuscript:

Crema, E.R., Bortolini, E. & Lake, M.W. (2023). How cultural transmission through objects impacts inferences about cultural evolution. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.

File Structure

  • src.R ... contains utility functions and simulation code for all experiments presented in the paper.
  • runscript.R ... executes all simulations.
  • simres.RData ... R image file containing the simulation outputs (generated from runscript.R)
  • makefigures.R ... generates figures.
  • figures/*.pdf ... pdf version of all figures in the paper. Generated using scripts contained in makefigures.R.
  • esm.Rmd ... Suplementary material (in Rmarkdown format) containing detailed description of the models and the experiment design.
  • esm.html ... Rendered version of esm.Rmd.

Required R packages

attached base packages:                                                         
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods         
[8] base                                                                        
other attached packages:                                                        
[1] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 doParallel_1.0.16  iterators_1.0.13                      
[4] foreach_1.5.1      here_1.0.1         nvimcom_0.9-115                       
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):                                      
[1] compiler_4.1.1   rprojroot_2.0.2  tools_4.1.1      codetools_0.2-18 


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