Merge Coding Assignment

Q. Build a Shopping cart API with following functionalities:

  • Ability to create account with two roles (admin, user) and log in
  • Admin should be able to
    • Add items
    • Suspend user
  • User should be able to
    • List available items
    • Add items to a cart (if there are items in stock)
    • Remove items from their cart
  • Restrict the access to APIs through RBAC mechanism
  • Add unit test with extensive cases wherever possible (Bonus: E2E tests)
  • Follow proper coding conventions and add documentation & code comments wherever necessary
  • Create Readme for easy setup and testing of the API

Note: Candidates may use any coding language, though Golang would be preferable

Merge Money Ltd │7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR │ Tel +44.203.442.0175│Registration Number: 13463502


The project has app which exposes two http handlers:

  1. APP API it contains the cart API (v1). It is divided into three groups for users, cart and items management. each group has it's own dependency system so that this can be broken down to microservices in the future.
  2. Debug API it contains pprof, liveness, readiness probes as well Go's debug tooling
  3. Scratch it contains bootstrap code like migration and seed scripts. It can be viewed in schema, seed

As a rule of thumb, import graphs are as follows app imports business imports foundation.

app: http handlers (can be swapped with socket, rpc easily)
business: core business logic, data and RBAC system
foundation: building blocks of a web server (swap router without changing anything!)

For RBAC mechanism, we are using jwt tokens with two roles (admin and user) saved in claims. By using a middleware for each handler we are doing authentication and authorization. A cache layer is also added in users db to quick access user roles.

DB Design | API design

Getting started

For installing Go, please follow go official guide

A Makefile is also available to run basic commands. Please use the same. It is available in mac by default

The command line versions can now be installed straight from the command line itself;

1. Open "Terminal" (it is located in Applications/Utilities)
2. In the terminal window, run the command xcode-select --install
3. In the windows that pops up, click Install, and agree to the Terms of Service.


make db: db can be reset using

make run: project can be run using

make status-debug/make status-api: server status can be checked running or not

First Step

Two users will be seeded on running migration (already done if you want to skip the step)

password: admin

password: user1

Please use api for getting bearer token. You have to use basic auth to be able to generate token. (authorization header with username/password)

Once you have the token you can use the same to try out different api. for users/admin apis will reject/accept as per role defined.

To use cart:

Create cart using cart api
post cart items into cart 
remove item from cart

The quantites in the items table will be altered.


Please download postman collection from here

API Policy
Get token public
Create user ruleAdmin
Get all users ruleAdmin
Get user by id ruleAny
Suspend user ruleAdmin
Create items ruleAdmin
Get items ruleAny
Create cart ruleUser
Add item to cart ruleUser
View all items of cart ruleUser
Delete item from cart ruleUser
server status public



DB Design

POSTGres db is used as the problem was of SQL type. however further scale we can add no sql/ cache server to specific problems (parts of app) We are using hosted db for same for which "dev.env" file is provided already. No db setup is required.

For pgAdmin exploration, credentials are available in a env file (though a secret manager would be ideal)

Sharing test credentials here



E2E tests - WIP

We have used mockgen to mock database and tests can be found for business/core/item where quanities gets altered on add to cart and remove from cart.

I will add tests (unit or otherwise) on further discussions only.