
Ansible playbooks for provisioning and depoying to a Rails webserver

Primary LanguageShell


Ansible playbooks for provisioning and depoying to a Rails webserver


  1. Run ansible-galaxy install rvm_io.rvm1-ruby
  2. Clone this repository as subfolder called ansible under your Rails app folder.
  3. Create a file named production (no extension) at the root of the ansible folder with the IP address of the server to provision. There is a production.example file in this repository that can serve as a template for what the file should look like.
  4. Create a file named production (no extension) in the groups_vars folder with the various settings needed for provisioning. There is a production.example file in this repository that can server as a templae for what the file should look like.


To provision a new server: cd ansible && ansible-playbook -i production provision.yml


To deploy the app: cd ansible && ansible-playbook -i production deploy.yml