- 0
Code-size could be reduced.
#52 opened by H3wastooshort - 0
Code is quite hard to read.
#51 opened by H3wastooshort - 1
- 1
sms.deleteAll() and sms.deleteAllRead() not working, index not starting at 1 and SMS missing?
#43 opened by ROdoka - 1
Wrong return value in send method
#47 opened by peacekiller - 0
- 0
Have you heard about headers? Something we need to add to almost to every HTTP request
#48 opened by MotazBanyAmer - 0
Examples do not work
#46 opened by mauricelps - 0
How to make a call to join a Zoom meeting
#44 opened by bergvdna - 1
_readSerial does not catch a reply
#42 opened by ontheronix - 2
How can i use? at GSMSimTime the get function?
#39 opened by rubinlicht - 2
Syntax command get by GSMSimTime
#40 opened by rubinlicht - 0
Irregular use of F() macro.
#41 opened by H3wastooshort - 5
HttpPost with uint8_t*
#28 opened by rtarta - 2
gprsIsConnected() always return true
#32 opened by AndiP1234 - 2
Help. No way to send sms.
#31 opened by mathildamonni - 1
How to set a APN
#38 opened by jwinfield2022 - 1
What about UNIX time?
#30 opened by H3wastooshort - 1
time.get() hangs the sketch
#29 opened by H3wastooshort - 3
library not working with sim7020e
#35 opened by roysG - 3
questions: How To use string as sms message?
#37 opened by Trpplayer79 - 2
Is this still being worked on ?
#36 opened by TravisDuck999 - 0
#27 opened by H3wastooshort - 6
Using HardwareSerial
#1 opened by jay6621 - 1
problem reading sms
#21 opened by Speppe - 3
- 2
Using AltSoftSerial library
#19 opened by lcorreaesbr - 3
About HttpPost
#18 opened by rtarta - 2
- 2
Manually send AT commands
#14 opened by progressify - 2
No function to enter/disable pin code on the SIM
#13 opened by mttpro - 4
Gmail function not working
#15 opened by amansinghaljpr - 2
Repeat calling
#12 opened by Dremarcus - 4
Signal Strength
#11 opened by KawinJoe - 2
Add function sim800
#10 opened by KawinJoe - 2
No method to get the senders number
#9 opened by tauki - 14
smsREAD not working
#8 opened by zsarwar - 3
Arduino Mega 2560 not Support
#5 opened by Nyako01 - 5
Can't gsm.gprsHTTPGet to deal with long URLs
#4 opened by gusantor - 2
Why not POST request?
#3 opened by shirish47 - 3
- 6
Proposing a new version of this class, compatible with other architectures where you find preexistent instances of HardwareSerial instead of SoftwareSerial
#24 opened by JazzTp - 1
GSMSim and Arduino Nano + SIM800C
#25 opened by robpan3 - 1
Code enhancements label: enhancement
#26 opened by nabeelkirmani - 0
integer type error and not setting frequency in fm
#22 opened by zakaria16 - 1
2 litte correction that worked for me
#7 opened by mihai-lazar - 1
Module is not connected to gsm operator
#6 opened by jakecorn