This is an app that allows users to switch books with other users in their city.
- Error: As a non/user I can see an error message so that I know it's not my fault
- Signup: As a non I can sign up in the app so that I can start creating and managing my profile
- Login: As a user I can login to the app so that I can start switching books and managing my profile
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the app so no one else can modify my information
- Toogle Search As a user I can toogle between different types of search: map or list
- View books As a user I can view all of the available books in my city
- View book details As a user I can view details of a specific book
- Add books As a user I can add books to my library
- Edit books As a user I can edit books from my library
- Delete books As a user I can delete books from my library
- Books switch status As a user I can mark books in my library as switched
- Check profile As a user I can check my profile
- Edit profile As a user I can edit my profile
- Add profile photo As a user I can upload/change my profile photo
- Request switch As a user I can contact other users to request a switch
- Send and receive message As a user I can send and receive messages with other users
- Read messages As a user I can read all the messages I have with other users
- Email verification
- Most switched books
- Notifications when receiving messages
- Temporarily switched books section
- Welcome message to first time users
- API for countries and cities list
Path | Component | Permissions | Behavior |
/ |
n/a | public <Route> |
Redirect to home page |
/signup |
NavBar, SignupForm, FooterBar | public <Route> |
Signup form, navigate to homepage with Welcome message |
/login |
NavBar, LoginForm, FooterBar | public <Route> |
Login form, link to signup, navigate to homepage after login |
/logout |
n/a | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Navigate to homepage after logout, expire session |
/home |
NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar | public <Route> |
Shows all books in your city, link to search and map view |
/book/:id |
NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Shows book details, similar books and functional buttons |
/book/edit/:id |
NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar | owner only <PrivateRoute> |
Shows book details in a form and allows editing and saving |
/profile |
NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Shows profile, library section and functional buttons |
/book/add |
NavBar, BookForm, FooterBar | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Add a book to the library, navigate to profile |
/messages |
NavBar, MessagesList, FooterBar | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Shows messages grouped by user contacted |
/messages/:contactId |
NavBar, MessageWith, FooterBar | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Shows messages thread with one user |
- Auth Service
- auth.login(user)
- auth.signup(user)
- auth.logout()
- External API
- API for books
- API for maps
User model
username: {type: String, require: true},
name: {type: String,},
lastName: {type: String,},
email: {type: String,require: true,unique: true},
passwordHash: {type: String,require: true,},
photo: {type: String,default: defaultProfileImg,},
city: {type: String,ENUM: ['Amsterdam', 'Augsburg', 'Berlin', 'Frankfurt', 'Ljubljana', 'Madrid', 'Munich', 'Paris','Versailles'],require: true}
Book model
title: {type: String,require: true},
author: {type: String,require: true},
owner: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref: "user",require: true},
language: {type: String,ENUM: ["English", "French","German", "Spanish" ]},
description: {type: String},
photo:{type: String,default: defaultImg},
category: {type: String,ENUM: ['1', '2', '3'],require: true},
switchMode: {type: String,ENUM: ['switch', 'gift', 'temporary-switch'],}
HTTP Method | URL | Request Body | Success status | Error Status | Description |
POST | /auth/signup |
{username, email, password, city} | 200 | 500 | Checks if fields not empty (422) and user does not exist (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session |
POST | /auth/login |
{username, password} | 200 | 500 | Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password does not match (404), then stores user in session |
POST | /auth/logout |
(empty) | 204 | 500 | Logs out the user and destroy session |
POST | /search/add |
{platform, title, type, id} | 500 | Add new backlog element and add to user | |
GET | /auth/user |
200 | 500 | Show homepage |
Link to your trello board or picture of your physical board
The url to your repository and to your deployed project
The url to your presentation slides