

This is an app that allows users to switch books with other users in their city.

User Stories

  • Error: As a non/user I can see an error message so that I know it's not my fault
  • Signup: As a non I can sign up in the app so that I can start creating and managing my profile
  • Login: As a user I can login to the app so that I can start switching books and managing my profile
  • Logout: As a user I can logout from the app so no one else can modify my information
  • Toogle Search As a user I can toogle between different types of search: map or list
  • View books As a user I can view all of the available books in my city
  • View book details As a user I can view details of a specific book
  • Add books As a user I can add books to my library
  • Edit books As a user I can edit books from my library
  • Delete books As a user I can delete books from my library
  • Books switch status As a user I can mark books in my library as switched
  • Check profile As a user I can check my profile
  • Edit profile As a user I can edit my profile
  • Add profile photo As a user I can upload/change my profile photo
  • Request switch As a user I can contact other users to request a switch
  • Send and receive message As a user I can send and receive messages with other users
  • Read messages As a user I can read all the messages I have with other users


  • Email verification
  • Most switched books
  • Notifications when receiving messages
  • Temporarily switched books section
  • Welcome message to first time users
  • API for countries and cities list

Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permissions Behavior
/ n/a public <Route> Redirect to home page
/signup NavBar, SignupForm, FooterBar public <Route> Signup form, navigate to homepage with Welcome message
/login NavBar, LoginForm, FooterBar public <Route> Login form, link to signup, navigate to homepage after login
/logout n/a user only <PrivateRoute> Navigate to homepage after logout, expire session
/home NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar public <Route> Shows all books in your city, link to search and map view
/book/:id NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar user only <PrivateRoute> Shows book details, similar books and functional buttons
/book/edit/:id NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar owner only <PrivateRoute> Shows book details in a form and allows editing and saving
/profile NavBar, ElementList, FooterBar user only <PrivateRoute> Shows profile, library section and functional buttons
/book/add NavBar, BookForm, FooterBar user only <PrivateRoute> Add a book to the library, navigate to profile
/messages NavBar, MessagesList, FooterBar user only <PrivateRoute> Shows messages grouped by user contacted
/messages/:contactId NavBar, MessageWith, FooterBar user only <PrivateRoute> Shows messages thread with one user


  • LoginForm

  • SignupForm

  • NavBar

  • FooterBar

  • ElementList

  • BookForm

  • SearchForm

  • BookCard

  • BookDetails

  • BookList

  • ProfileCard

  • ProfileForm

  • SearchResults

  • MapView

  • MessageList

  • MessageWith

  • Error


  • Auth Service
    • auth.login(user)
    • auth.signup(user)
    • auth.logout()
  • External API
    • API for books
    • API for maps

Server / Backend


User model

  username: {type: String, require: true},
  name: {type: String,},
  lastName: {type: String,},
  email: {type: String,require: true,unique: true},
  passwordHash: {type: String,require: true,},
  photo: {type: String,default: defaultProfileImg,},
  city: {type: String,ENUM: ['Amsterdam', 'Augsburg', 'Berlin', 'Frankfurt', 'Ljubljana', 'Madrid', 'Munich', 'Paris','Versailles'],require: true}

Book model

  title: {type: String,require: true},
  author: {type: String,require: true},
  owner: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref: "user",require: true},
  language: {type: String,ENUM: ["English", "French","German", "Spanish" ]},
  description: {type: String},
  photo:{type: String,default: defaultImg},
  category: {type: String,ENUM: ['1', '2', '3'],require: true},
  switchMode: {type: String,ENUM: ['switch', 'gift', 'temporary-switch'],}

API Endpoints (backend routes)

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
POST /auth/signup {username, email, password, city} 200 500 Checks if fields not empty (422) and user does not exist (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session
POST /auth/login {username, password} 200 500 Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password does not match (404), then stores user in session
POST /auth/logout (empty) 204 500 Logs out the user and destroy session
POST /search/add {platform, title, type, id} 500 Add new backlog element and add to user
GET /auth/user 200 500 Show homepage



Link to your trello board or picture of your physical board


The url to your repository and to your deployed project

Client repository Link

Server repository Link

Deployed App Link


The url to your presentation slides

Slides Link