Welcome to my humble project! This is a NodeJS web server created with Express framework.
If you want to see the app running on Heroku you can acces it from here.
If you want to build project in your local host, first clone the repo to your computer.
Then install packages with npm.
npm install
Now you can start the app with:
npm start
You will see some logs in the console after a clean build, it should give the below logs, you are now started the web application.
Application is running on 3000
You are currently connected to your mongo database
For testing on your local machine just run:
npm test
- express
- mongoose
- dotenv
- cors
- joi
- joi-date
- morgan
- http-status
- nodemon
- jest
After starting out app it connects to a MongoDB Cloud server with a connection string. This string kept on .env file, if you want to change the MongoDB or applicaion port you can change it in here. Then you can make a POST request with parameters on body. You should use the /records route. Below you can see required fields for body.
I used JOI for validation of body. Which validates if the dates in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format, minCount and maxCount is number and they takes minimum zero.
Method | Description | Required Body Fields |
POST /records | Returns records with wanted date and total count | startDate, endDate, minCount, maxCount |
You can make this request with postman, after you started the app on your computer or you can use the server on Heroku.
So in the postman you should open a POST request and put localhost if you want to use the server on your computer.
Or you can use the link from Heroku like below.
After this you need to open a raw JSON body and put the required fields in it, here is an example of it.
"startDate": "2010-01-26",
"endDate": "2015-01-08",
"minCount": 1,
"maxCount": 25
This request will give you the records which total count is between 1-25 and crateDate between startDate-endDate.