This is a basic todo app.
npm install after you clone the repo
You need to insert these to your .env file :
To authenticate a user send an request to this url : http://localhost:3000/userApi/post with a json body and a parameter of "username".
Then you will get your Bearer token for authentication. Take it so you can use it for other requests.
Our url is : http://localhost:3000/api/post You can access, create, delete or update todos with this url. All you need to do is change the request method.
For authorization please select type as "Bearer Token" and insert your bearer token to Authorization parameter.
If you want to create a todo you can use a json-body like this : { "id":123, "title":"my first todo" } / method : POST If you want to delete a todo you can use a json-body like this : { "id":123 } / method : DELETE If you want to update a todo you can use a json-body like this : { "id":123, "title":"my updated todo" } / method : PATCH If you want to see all todos you can just request the url with GET method without any parameters or body. / method : GET