
Hello, this is an application written with Java & Spring Boot. Java version is 17.


There was some problems on the Reporting API Document, some fields were not written on the request&response parameters. If there are more, these can cause some problems. For your information!

Also this was a project for API calls, so for the unit tests I have tested some of my util classes.



I created controllers, services and external api classes for my rest api.

Also I have response, model, util, constants folders which stores the classes for these exact works. Also I have a folder for test class.

An example:

LoginController -> LoginService -> LoginAPI

Controllers receive the requests, then passes the body data of the requests to service class.

Services take this body data's to API classes.

API classes are the key part of project, which does the external API calls to Reporting API.

For holding the token comes with the response of the login call, I created a singleton TokenStorage class. In this way I can use the token whenever I want. So I didn't implemented a database to project, it's all working in-memory.