
Lock your windows PC with Arduino (CJMCU-32)

Primary LanguagePascal


Lock your windows PC with Arduino (CJMCU-32)


PassDuino is a open-source project for storing and auto typing passwords, it stores the passwords on a arduino (i use the CJMCU-32 with the ATMEGA32U4).

This is the configuration tool, you can use this tool to update/add/remove passwords to/from the PassDuino. This tool can be used as a monitor tool, so when you remove the PassDuino the PC will automatically lock.

You can also add global hotkey's for auto typing passwords stored in the PassDuino, like your gmail password, facebook etc. This allows you to use much more complicated / longer passwords without the need to remember them.

** Buy the CJMCU-32 (€5 - €15) ** https://www.banggood.com/CJMCU-32-Virtual-Keyboard-Badusb-For-Leonardo-USB-ATMEGA32U4-p-1098876.html?cur_warehouse=CN https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000927361014.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.56bc64e5NYtY96&algo_pvid=82116778-919f-45f8-a5b9-528eb3c5f4e5&algo_expid=82116778-919f-45f8-a5b9-528eb3c5f4e5-38&btsid=0be3743615981235845396396edda9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

PassDuino is a project started by Ernst Reidinga - ERDesigns.eu (August 2020). For more fun software and tools go to our website: https://erdesigns.eu or like us on facebook: https://fb.me/erdesigns.eu

** Uses **

** ToDo **

  • Create a Linux variant of the PassDuino software (Lazarus, QT or Python/Bash maybe), maybe someone with a macbook can help make a MacOS version.

PassDuino PassDuino PassDuino