
DNS management on Kubernetes, using CoreDNS

Primary LanguageGo

Route42 - Manage your DNS via K8s

Route42 provides simple and pluggable DNS management via Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions.
It can be used to scale DNS servers declaratively and can serve as a base for other higher-level APIs like LoadBalancing, CNFs or VNFs.


1. cert-manager

To install Route42 you will need the cert-manager installed.
cert-manager is used to create an manage the certificate for the webhook server.
You can install Route42 without, but you have to bring your own certificates for the webhook server.


2. deploy route42-manager

This step installs the Custom Resources and the route42 controller manager, which serves as a webhook server to validate and default created Zones and RecordSets

Clone this repository and run make deploy, this will execute kustomize and apply the generated manifests via kubectl apply -f -.
Make sure to be connected to the RIGHT kubernetes cluster, before executing this command.

3. route42-agent

Deploy the CoreDNS agent for the namespaces that you want to use it in.

Default Namespace is route42-system, but you can change it by executing:
cd config/agent && kustomize edit set namespace my-fancy-namespace

make deploy-agent will then deploy the agent in the same fashion as make deploy above.