#OWI Website

To run this application locally, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a virtualenv using python 2.7 and install the requirements in requirements.txt. This can be done as follows while in the project directory:
  2. Run virtualenv --python=python2.7 env
  3. Activate your virtualenv (depends on whether linux or windows)
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Change to the instance directory and create config.py. It should contain the following:
    DEBUG = True
    #this turns off and on the flask-freezer functionality.  If it is True, flask-freezer will 
    #constantly rebuild the static version of the page 
    FREEZE = False
    GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CODE = '' #this only needs to be set on production

Now you can run the application within the virtualenv by executing: python run.py

The application can be accessed at

To generate the pygments css (learn more about pygments here: http://pygments.org/:

  1. set the current directory in the shell to the css directory in the static folder
  2. activeate the project virtualenv
  3. enter the following shell command:
$ pygmentize -S default -f html > codehilite.css