
Firmware for the tests done for my diploma thesis

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This project uses sourcefiles provided by ST-Micro (found here: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/i-cube-lrwan.html) The compiled binary are ought to be used with a STM32L0 LoRa and Sigfox Discovery kit.

The project is used to perform several tests using LoRa to analyze how digital watermarks can be packed into the inter-packet delay of node which is periodically sending telemetry data.


Be sure to have the stm32-cross-build container provided here: https://github.com/erebks/stm32-cross-build

To compile and build use bash build.sh. To flash use bash flash.sh. I saw that it might be necessary to hold the RESET button placed on the discovery board for it to work.


For completeness here is a shortend version of the readme that ST provides:

  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/adc.h                                             This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the adc.c file
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/adc_if.h                                          Header for ADC interface configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/dma.h                                             This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the dma.c file
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/main.h                                            Header for main.c file.
                                                                                This file contains the common defines of the application.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/platform.h                                        Header for General HW instances configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/rtc.h                                             This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the rtc.c file
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/rtc_if.h                                          configuration of the rtc_if.c instances
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_conf.h                              HAL configuration file.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/stm32l0xx_it.h                                    This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/stm32_lpm_if.h                                    Header for Low Power Manager interface configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/sys_app.h                                         Function prototypes for sys_app.c file
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/sys_conf.h                                        Applicative configuration, e.g. : debug, trace, low power, sensors
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/sys_debug.h                                       Configuration of the debug.c instances
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/usart.h                                           This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the usart.c file
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/usart_if.h                                        Header for USART interface configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/utilities_conf.h                                  Header for configuration file to utilities
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Inc/utilities_def.h                                   Definitions for modules requiring utilities
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/app_lorawan.h                                  Header of application of the LRWAN Middleware
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/Commissioning.h                                End-device commissioning parameters
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.h                                     Header of application of the LRWAN Middleware
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_app_version.h                             Definition the version of the application
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_at.h                                      Header for driver at.c module
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_command.h                                 Header for driver command.c module
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_info.h                                    To give info to the application about LoRaWAN configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/se-identity.h                                  Secure Element identity and keys
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/test_rf.h                                      Header for test_rf.c
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/b_l072z_lrwan1_bus.h                        header file for the BSP BUS IO driver
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/b_l072z_lrwan1_errno.h                      Error Code
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/cmwx1zzabz_0xx_conf.h                       This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the shield instances (pin mapping).
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/lorawan_conf.h                              Header for LoRaWAN middleware instances
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/mw_log_conf.h                               Configure (enable/disable) traces
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/radio_board_if.h                            Header for Radio interface configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/radio_conf.h                                Header of Radio configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/systime.h                                   Map middleware systime
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/timer.h                                     Wrapper to timer server

  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/adc.c                                             This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the ADC instances.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/adc_if.c                                          Read status related to the chip (battery level, VREF, chip temperature)
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/dma.c                                             This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/main.c                                            Main program body
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/rtc.c                                             This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the RTC instances.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/rtc_if.c                                          Configure RTC Alarm, Tick and Calendar manager
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c                               This file provides code for the MSP Initialization
                                                                                and de-Initialization codes.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/stm32l0xx_it.c                                    Interrupt Service Routines.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/stm32_lpm_if.c                                    Low layer function to enter/exit low power modes (stop, sleep)
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/system_stm32l0xx.c                                CMSIS Cortex-M0+ Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/sys_app.c                                         Initializes HW and SW system entities (not related to the radio)
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/sys_debug.c                                       Enables 4 debug pins for internal signals RealTime debugging
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/usart.c                                           This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the USART instances.
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/Core/Src/usart_if.c                                        Configuration of UART MX driver interface for hyperterminal communication
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/app_lorawan.c                                  Application of the LRWAN Middleware
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.c                                     Application of the LRWAN Middleware
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_at.c                                      AT command API
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_command.c                                 Main command driver dedicated to command AT
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/lora_info.c                                    To give info to the application about LoRaWAN configuration
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/App/test_rf.c                                      manages tx tests
  - LoRaWAN_AT_Slave/LoRaWAN/Target/b_l072z_lrwan1_bus.c                        source file for the BSP BUS IO driver

@par Hardware and Software environment

  - This example runs on the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery board embedding the
    CMWX1ZZABZ-091 LoRa module, and has been tested with STMicroelectronics
    B-L072Z-LRWAN1 RevC board.

  - B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery board Set-up
    - Connect the Nucleo board to your PC with a USB cable type A to micro-B
      to ST-LINK connector (CN7).
    - Please ensure that the ST-LINK connector CN8 jumpers are fitted.

  - Configure the software via the configuration files:
    - sys_conf.h, radio_conf.h, lorawan_conf.h, lora_app.h, se-identity.h, mw_log_conf.h, radio_board_if.h, main.h, etc
    - Careful:
        - the region and class chosen on LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.h shall be compatible with LoRaWAN/Target/lorawan_conf.h list

  -Set Up:

             --------------------------  V    V  --------------------------
             |      LoRa Object       |  |    |  |      LoRa Network      |
             |                        |  |    |  |                        |
   ComPort<--|                        |--|    |--|                        |-->Web Server
             |                        |          |                        |
             --------------------------          --------------------------

@par How to use it ?
In order to make the program work, you must do the following :
  - Open your preferred toolchain
  - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
  - Run the example
  - Open a Terminal, connected the LoRa Object
  - UART Config = 9600, 8b, 1 stopbit, no parity, no flow control
  - Terminal Config: Select 'CR+LF' for Transmit New-Line and switch 'Local echo' on
  - Reset the board
  - type AT? to get all available commands
  - Send your AT commands by typing them in the terminal