
By CSS3 Transition, Support The .stop() method.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


重写了 jQuery.animate 的默认行为,使它优先使用 CSS3 Transition 来实现动画。

Rewrite the jQuery.animate's default behavior, The priority use CSS3 Transition to achieve animation.


为什么使用? / Why use?

这个插件是对 jQuery.animate 方法的改写,你不需要考虑修改你的代码,你只需要导入插件,就可以让你所有的 jQuery 动画转化为 CSS3 Transition

This plugin is the rewriting of jQuery.animate method, you do not need to consider modifying your code, you just need to include plug-in, can let all of your jQuery animation into CSS3 Transition.


jquery.animate.js 引在 jQuery 之后。
Just include jquery.animate.js after jQuery.

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.animate.js"></script>


可以直接通过 .css() 方法来设置 Transform 属性。
Can be directly through the .css() method to set the Transform properties.

$("div").css({ x: "100px" });                       //=> translate(100px, 0)
$("div").css({ y: "100%" });                        //=> translate(0, 100%)
$("div").css({ translate: [200,100] });             //=> translate(200px, 100px)
$("div").css({ translate3d: [200,100,300] });       //=> translate(200px, 100px) translateZ(300px) 
$("div").css({ scale: 2 });                         //=> scale(2)
$("div").css({ scaleX: 3 });                        //=> scale(3,1)
$("div").css({ scaleZ: 2 });                        //=> scaleZ(2)
$("div").css({ scale3d: [2, 1.5, 4] });             //=> scale(2,1.5) scaleZ(4) 
$("div").css({ rotate: "30deg" });                  //=> rotate(30deg)
$("div").css({ rotateX: 45 });                      //=> rotateX(45deg)
$("div").css({ rotateY: "1rad" });                  //=> rotateX(1rad)
$("div").css({ rotateZ: 90 });                      //=> rotate(90deg)
$("div").css({ rotate3d: [60,30,90] });             //=> rotateX(60deg) rotateY(30deg) rotate(90deg)
$("div").css({ skewX: "30deg" });                   //=> skewX(30deg)
$("div").css({ skewY: 60 });                        //=> skewY(60deg)
$("div").css({ skew: [30,60] });                    //=> skewX(30deg) skewY(60deg)

Set perspective.

// Note the difference between
$("div").css({ "perspective": 100 });  //=>  perspective: 100px;
$("div").css({ "pers": 100 });         //=>  transform: perspective(100px);

Read the attribute value.

$("div").css({ x: 100 }).css("x");                       //=> "100px"
$("div").css({ x: 100, y: 200 }).css("translate");       //=> ["100px", "200px"]
$("div").css({ scaleX: 3, scaleY: 3 }).css("scale");     //=> "3"
$("div").css({ scaleX: 3 }).css("scale");                //=> ["3","1"]

Support delete attributes.

.css({ translate: "2, 5" });                 //=> "translate(2px, 5px)"
.css({ translate: "" });                     //=> remove "translate(2px, 5px)"
.css({ scale: "2,3" }).css({ scaleX: "" });  //=> "scale(1, 3)"


支持 jQuery.animate 原生的所有写法。
Support all jQuery.animate native writing.

$("div").hide().slideDown(2000, "easeOutBack");
$("div").hide().fadeIn(2000, function() { ... });

$("div").animate({left: 100});
$("div").animate({x: 200}, 1000, "easeOutBack", function() { ... });

$("div").animate({opacity: 0},{
	queue: false,
	duration: 2000,
	easing: "linear"

	left: [100, "linear"],
	top: [200, "easeOutBack"],
	scale: [[2,3], "easeInBack"]

	left: 100,
	top: 200
	queue: false,
	duration: 2000,
	specialEasing: {
		left: "linear",
		top: "easeOutBack"

Transform 属性还支持特殊的写法。
Transform properties also supports special writing.

$("div").animate({ "scale": [1, 2] });
$("div").animate({ "rotate3d": "30,20,90" });

To support the animation of the composite properties.

$("div").animate({ "border-radius": "10px 20px 30px 40px" });
$("div").animate({ "transform-origin": "100px 300px" });
$("div").animate({ "box-shadow": "inset 50px 50px 1px #000"});

可以完美支持 .stop() 以及 .finish() 方法。
Can perfect support .stop() and .finish() method.

$("div").animate({ x: 200 }, 2000, "linear");
window.setTimeout(function() {
	console.log($("div").css("x"));  //=> 100px
}, 1000);
$("div").animate({ x: 200 }, 2000, "linear");
console.log($("div").css("x"));  //=> 200px

现在可以支持颜色动画了,并且可以使用 .stop() 方法停止到某个颜色值。
Can support color animation now, and you can use the .stop() method to stop to a color value.

$("div").animate({ "background-color": "black" }, 5000);

注意,由于 CSS3 Transition 动画的只支持三次贝塞尔曲线,因此jQuery.easing中的某些缓动无法支持,比如:Bounce。
如果使用了它不支持的 Easing,那么将会使用原来的 jQuery.animate 方法来实现该动画。

Note that because of CSS3 Transition animation support only three times bezier curve, so some slow moving in jQuery.easing cannot support, such as: Bounce.
If use it does not support Easing, We will use the original jQuery.animate methods to achieve this animation.

同时,所有的 Transform 属性不能分别设置 Easing,因为他们的 Transition 都是通过 Transform 属性来设置的。
因此,如果发生这种情况,那么只有第一个 Easing 将作为 transition-timing-function
因为原则上应该优先兼容动画效果,因此这种情况下,将会使用原来的 jQuery.animate 方法来实现该动画。

Meanwhile, all the Transform property can not be separately set Easing, because their Transition through Transform property to set the.
So, if this happens, only the first Easing will serve as transition-timing-function.
Because in principle should be the priority compatible animation effects, so in this case, will use the original jQuery.animate ways to implement this animation.

	x: [300, "easeOutBack"],
	y: [200, "linear"],
	scale: [3, "easeInBack"]

// CSS will be like this
div {
	transform: translate(300px, 200px) scale(3);
	transition: transform 2000ms easeOutBack;

The following is a list of transit support slow.

$.cssEase = {
    "_default":       "swing",
    "swing":          "easeOutQuad", // 和 jQuery Easing 相同,查看详情 https://github.com/gdsmith/jquery.easing
    "linear":         "cubic-bezier(0,0,1,1)",
    "ease":           "cubic-bezier(.25,.1,.25,1)",
    "easeIn":         "cubic-bezier(.42,0,1,1)",
    "easeOut":        "cubic-bezier(0,0,.58,1)",
    "easeInOut":      "cubic-bezier(.42,0,.58,1)",

    "easeInCubic":    "cubic-bezier(.550,.055,.675,.190)",
    "easeOutCubic":   "cubic-bezier(.215,.61,.355,1)",
    "easeInOutCubic": "cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1)",
    "easeInCirc":     "cubic-bezier(.6,.04,.98,.335)",
    "easeOutCirc":    "cubic-bezier(.075,.82,.165,1)",
    "easeInOutCirc":  "cubic-bezier(.785,.135,.15,.86)",
    "easeInExpo":     "cubic-bezier(.95,.05,.795,.035)",
    "easeOutExpo":    "cubic-bezier(.19,1,.22,1)",
    "easeInOutExpo":  "cubic-bezier(1,0,0,1)",
    "easeInQuad":     "cubic-bezier(.55,.085,.68,.53)",
    "easeOutQuad":    "cubic-bezier(.25,.46,.45,.94)",
    "easeInOutQuad":  "cubic-bezier(.455,.03,.515,.955)",
    "easeInQuart":    "cubic-bezier(.895,.03,.685,.22)",
    "easeOutQuart":   "cubic-bezier(.165,.84,.44,1)",
    "easeInOutQuart": "cubic-bezier(.77,0,.175,1)",
    "easeInQuint":    "cubic-bezier(.755,.05,.855,.06)",
    "easeOutQuint":   "cubic-bezier(.23,1,.32,1)",
    "easeInOutQuint": "cubic-bezier(.86,0,.07,1)",
    "easeInSine":     "cubic-bezier(.47,0,.745,.715)",
    "easeOutSine":    "cubic-bezier(.39,.575,.565,1)",
    "easeInOutSine":  "cubic-bezier(.445,.05,.55,.95)",
    "easeInBack":     "cubic-bezier(.6,-.28,.735,.045)",
    "easeOutBack":    "cubic-bezier(.175, .885,.32,1.275)",
    "easeInOutBack":  "cubic-bezier(.68,-.55,.265,1.55)"


This plug-in is written in reference to the following plug-ins, thanks to the author!

jQuery 2D transformations
jQuery Easing v1.3
jQuery requestAnimationFrame - v0.1.3pre

