
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A port of the popular and simplistic nord colour scheme to neovim. The trunk branch is an exact clone of the nord-vim colourscheme but written in lush.nvim.



Every option that is possible to set in nord-vim is included. The defaults are preserved. For previews and full descriptions, see the official nord vim port configuration website page.

Option Default Description
nord_cursor_line_number_background 0 Use the same background on number when cursorline enabled
nord_uniform_status_lines 0 Use the same background for all statuslines on split windows
nord_bold_vertical_split_line 0 Lighter background for vertical split
nord_uniform_diff_background 0 Use forground colours in diffs
nord_bold 1 Enable bold font
nord_italic 1 Enable italic font
nord_italic_comments 0 Use italic font for comments
nord_underline 0 Enable underlining


Since this port is written in lush.nvim, you can easily tweak the individual colours. Just open lua/nord-nvim.lua and customize the colours using the lush colour methods.

For example, if you want to make the background a bit darker

Normal {fg = clrs.nord4, bg = clrs.nord0.darken(10)},

You can preview the colour groups with the :Lushify if the lush.nvim plugin is loaded. For more methods and possibilities, look into lush.nvim (It is amazing!).


use {
    requires = {'rktjmp/lush.nvim', opt = true},
    config = function()
        vim.cmd("colorscheme nord")
    after = {'lush.nvim'},
} -- colorscheme
Plug 'kunzaatko/nord.nvim'
colorscheme nord


All plugins that are in the vim port are included.


This branch is intended to be an exact copy of the vim port. I will be restrained in adding any additional features or colour definitions. Only adequate alterations from the original should be neovim-exclusive features such as the planned definition of nvim-treesitter colour groups etc.

If you want a customized (not the unofficial) nord theme, switch to the colourful branch. There you can file issues if you think something could look better and submit PRs for adding plugins etc.