
Simple Discord Bot written with Python using OpenAI's GPT-3 Model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord chat bot using DiscordPy & OpenAI GPT-3 model.

  1. Download or Clone repository.
  2. On the folder open a terminal
  3. "pip install -r requirements" (If you dont have pip, go PyPi.org and download)
  4. In the Discord Developer Portal (discord.com/developers) open a New Project and get your Bot Token. !!!DO NOT SHARE YOUR BOT TOKEN ANYWHERE
  5. Insert your bot token into variable named "token" in line7
  6. From OpenAI get your account token. (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) !Also Do Not Share Your OpenAI Token anywhere.
  7. Insert your OpenAI Acoount token into variable named "ai.api_key" in line 8
  8. "python3 discordbot.py"
  9. And then add your bot into your server. (https://discordjs.guide/preparations/adding-your-bot-to-servers.html)
  10. Now you can use the bot. ($$gpt {Input})

Example Image of Output: