
A laravel library API build for interaction of any application (laravel passport) included as malware. Check out Angular | Ionic integration ( https://github.com/ereyomi/library )

Primary LanguagePHP

##Setup / Installation

  1. Download and install git

  2. Clone project

    > git clone https://github.com/ereyomi/libraryApi
  1. cd project-name

  2. Install Dependencies

    > npm install (optional)
    > composer require
  1. Copy the .env.example file and rename it into the .env file (For this you can run the following command)
	> copy .env.example .env
  1. Run the following command to generate a new key
	> php artisan key:generate
  1. Migrate DataBase
	> php artisan migrate
	> php artisan db:seed (start up with dummy data)
	> php artisan migrate:fresh --seed (this is the combination of the above commands)
  1. Run project
    > php artisan serve 
  1. if you run into any problem concerning connecting to database, run the following commands
	> php artisan config:cache
	> php artisan config:clear
	> restart server: php artisan server
  1. Set the right permissions on all directories and files in your project by simply running (Optional)
	> chmod 755 -R nameofyourproject/
	> chmod -R o+w nameofyourproject/storage


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.