
Modern C/C++ documentation generator for open source projects.

Project discontinued, thanks to all who contributed ❤️



DocsForge is a free documentation framework that creates and hosts docs (and API docs) for github code projects.

Key features

  • API code documentation, tailored for C/C++.
    Creates automatic API documentation in multiple languages (uses doxygen's xml output). Supports projects with multiple languages (for example both C++ and python).

  • No installation needed.
    Your docs website is built and hosted directly through DocsForge.

  • Easy to set up.
    Takes only a few minutes to get your documentation website up and running.

  • Multiple docs formats.
    Supports tutorial docs in markdown, GitHub flavored commonmark, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, Man, MediaWiki, ...

  • Automatic linking to APIs No need to write markdown links to your APIs. Your docs are scanned and any keyword pattern matching your APIs is automatically linked.

  • Highly configurable yaml configuration file.
    Define which documentation files you wish to display, and over 20 configuration options to display only the important APIs your users should see.

  • Docs are updated automatically..
    You can always rebuild whenever you want. If you forget, your docs will automatically be rebuilt every week and remain in sync with your repository.

  • Multiple versions.
    Host docs for multiple interesting branches or versions. For example, master and v1.0.

  • Customizable looks.
    Change themes, add your own css or js.


For example, the following screenshots are from the TinyXml2 project (version 7.0.1):

Getting started page:

Getting started

Man page for function OpenElement:


Configuration File

Each project has a YAML configuration file that defines how to build the documentation.

When you add a new project, we create a configuration file to get you started.

An example configuration file:

  Basic Tutorial:                                   # Add Section `Basic Tutorial` to the sidebar
  - Getting Started: readme.md                      
  - Installation: docs/installation.md              # Add a markdown page to your sidebar located in your repo at `docs/installation.md`
  Advanced Tutorial:
  - Frequently Asked Questions: docs/faq.md
  - Advanced Topics: docs/advanced.md
  - Code Example 1: src/my_example.cpp              # Add an example cpp page to your sidebar.
  - Contact us: http://example.com/contact-us/      # Add a link to your sidebar. 
  Important API:                                    # Add Section `Important API` to the sidebar
  - func1: api/my_class/func1                       # Highlight your most used api. 
  - class2: api/class2                              # Highlight your most used api. 
  Public API:
    baseUrl: api                          # prefix url for all api pages.
    language: cpp                         
    INPUT: include src                    # `src` directory, where the code files are located. 
    EXCLUDE: src/utils                    # exclude `src/utils` from being auto documentation                     
    - my_class/my_func                    # exclude `my_class/my_func` from being auto documented
    - include/publc.h                     # autodocument only elements that are declared in `include/public.h`. 
    documentSingleUnderscore: true        # document functions/classes if their names start with `_`
    documentStatic: true                  # document `static` elements 
    documentProtected: true               # document `protected` elements
    extractNonDocComments: false          # If True, extract any code comment that starts with `//`, not only comments that starts with `///`
  • sidebar - defines the documentation layout - which sections and pages will appear in your sidebar. Pages can either be text files (.txt, .md, .rst, ...) or selected API pages from the auto-documentation.

  • autodocSettings - defines which parts of your public API will be displayed - which source files to document, which to exclude, whether to document names that start with a single underscore, etc...

  • Important API - The full public API can be very large and daunting for new users. Focus users to look into the most used API as was done in Important API section. Any auto-generated API page can be added to any section.

To learn more, you can learn how to customize the sidebar, customize the public api, or view the full list of autodoc settings

Example projects using docsforge

  • https://drogon.docsforge.com/


    The configuration file is:

      Basic Tutorial:
      - Getting Started: README.md
      - License: LICENSE
      - Overview: wiki/ENG-01-Overview.md
      - Installation: wiki/ENG-02-Installation.md
      - Quick Start: wiki/ENG-03-Quick-Start.md
      - Controller Introduction:
        - index: wiki/ENG-04-0-Controller-Introduction.md
        - Controller HttpSimpleController: wiki/ENG-04-1-Controller-HttpSimpleController.md
        - Controller HttpController: wiki/ENG-04-2-Controller-HttpController.md
        - Controller WebSocketController: wiki/ENG-04-3-Controller-WebSocketController.md
      - Filter: wiki/ENG-05-Filter.md
      - View: wiki/ENG-06-View.md
      - Session: wiki/ENG-07-Session.md
      - Database General:
        - index: wiki/ENG-08-0-Database-General.md
        - DataBase DbClient: wiki/ENG-08-1-DataBase-DbClient.md
        - DataBase Transaction: wiki/ENG-08-2-DataBase-Transaction.md
        - DataBase ORM: wiki/ENG-08-3-DataBase-ORM.md
        - DataBase FastDbClient: wiki/ENG-08-4-DataBase-FastDbClient.md
      - Plugins: wiki/ENG-09-Plugins.md
      - Configuration File: wiki/ENG-10-Configuration-File.md
      - Drogon Ctl Command: wiki/ENG-11-drogon_ctl-Command.md
      - AOP Aspect Oriented Programming: wiki/ENG-12-AOP-Aspect-Oriented-Programming.md
      - Benchmarks: wiki/ENG-13-Benchmarks.md
      - Coz profiling: wiki/ENG-14-Coz.md
      Important API:
      - HttpController: api/drogon/HttpController
      - HttpAppFramework: api/drogon/HttpAppFramework
      - HttpRequest: api/drogon/HttpRequest
      - HttpResponse: api/drogon/HttpResponse
      - HttpClient: api/drogon/HttpClient
      - CacheMap: api/drogon/CacheMap
      - Cookie: api/drogon/Cookie
      - HttpFilter: api/drogon/HttpFilter
      - HttpSimpleController: api/drogon/HttpSimpleController
      - WebSocketClient: api/drogon/WebSocketClient
      Public API:
        baseUrl: api
        language: cpp
        INPUT: lib/inc/drogon orm_lib/inc/drogon/orm
        EXCLUDE: test tests examples
        EXCLUDE_PATTERNS: '*/tests/* */test/*'
        EXAMPLE_PATH: ''
        includeApi: []
        - drogon/internal
        - trantor
        - Json
        documentSingleUnderscore: true
        documentStatic: true
        documentProtected: true
        extractNonDocComments: false
        extract_namespace_comments: false
        PREDEFINED: ''
        INCLUDE_PATH: ''
      wiki_repo_path: wiki
  • https://flecs.docsforge.com/



    The configuration file is: (note two separate autodoc blocks for C API and C++ API)

      - Readme: README.md
      - FAQ: docs/FAQ.md
      - Quickstart: docs/Quickstart.md
      - Manual: docs/Manual.md
      - MigrationGuide: docs/MigrationGuide.md
      C API:
        language: c
        INPUT: include/flecs.h
        EXCLUDE_PATTERNS: '*/tests/* */test/* include/flecs/util/*'
        EXAMPLE_PATH: examples
        includeApi: []
        excludeApi: []
        documentSingleUnderscore: true
        documentStatic: false
        documentProtected: true
        extractNonDocComments: false
        sort_by_type: false
        sort_alphabetically: false
        PREDEFINED: ''
        INCLUDE_PATH: ''
      C++ API:
        baseUrl: api-cpp
        language: cpp
        INPUT: include/flecs/flecs.hpp
        EXCLUDE: 'test templates'
        EXCLUDE_PATTERNS: '*/tests/* */test/*'
        EXAMPLE_PATH: examples
        includeApi: []
        excludeApi: []
        documentSingleUnderscore: true
        documentStatic: true
        documentProtected: true
        extractNonDocComments: false
        PREDEFINED: ''
        INCLUDE_PATH: ''
      markdown_fenced_code_tabs: true
  • https://entt.docsforge.com/


Help and documentation

For a more detailed documentation, go to https://help.docsforge.com/ . The help section uses the same algorithm as any other project on docsforge.

If you need help with optimizing your project configuration file, found a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue here or feel free to email me.


If you like this project or use it, a star is always welcome :)