Subscription Task

What does this program do?

It is a simple service provider. You can buy whatever service you want and the program will decrease from your credit automatically.


  • Python version 3

  • Install required packages from Pipfile by the following commands:
    $ pipenv install

  • If the virtualenv is already activated, you can also use:
    $ pipenv sync

  • To install by requirements.txt file:
    $ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt


First, program needs a secret key to be able to run. Create a file called .env in src/authentication folder, and make an environment variable called SECRET_KEY in the file. For example:
SECRET_KEY = "your secret key"

Create your secret key by one of th following ways:

  • Use secrets python library:
    In python shell, import secrets and run this method secrets.token_hex()
  • Use terminal and run openssl rand -hex 32

    Run file in src folder by the following command:
    $ python or $ python3
    Make sure you are in src folder. Open a browser and browse http://localhost:8000 url.


See docs folder for documents and diagrams.