
Problem with arrow keys on OS X and emacs 25.2.1

samdmarshall opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, i love the sets of single-key shortcuts that this package provides; but i'm having a problem with usage of the arrow keys. This seems to be a recurring issue with the arrow keys inserting A, B, C, and D for the [(up)], [(down)], [(right)], and [(left)] keys respectively. This is on a fresh install of ergoemacs off of the master branch, and using emacs 25.2.1 on OS X. I've attempted remapping the arrow keys after the ergoemacs package gets loaded and that seems to make no difference. I don't have this problem when not loading the ergoemacs package though. Unlike some other cases of this problem i am running emacs locally (not over putty).

No, I am running this in, not iTerm.

In the interim could you tell me how to disable the remapping of the arrow keys by ergoemacs please?

that worked perfectly, thanks so much.

I have the same problem (on Linux, in Gnome Terminal), but unbinding Alt O didn't work; after (global-unset-key (kbd "M-o")) I get 'Alt+O does not do anything!', as expected, but the arrow keys still insert A, B, C, and D.

This looks like escape sequences being handled incorrectly. The letters inserted are the last character of the escape sequences for the arrow keys: ^[0A, ^[0B, ^[0C and ^[0D. The same thing happens with Home and End, which in Gnome Terminal have escape sequences ^[0H and ^[0F. However, on the Linux virtual console where the escape sequences are ^[[1~ and ^[[4~, Home and End work, but the arrow keys (which are the same as in Gnome Terminal) still don't.

Edit: slight correction - the arrow keys work on the Linux virtual console, but not inside tmux, which translates some of the console's escape sequences to the same as Gnome Terminal's.