
A turn-based multiplayer game where users compete to align their bot to the massively unaligned Aligner!



Part Service URL
SvelteKit app Vercel
FastAPI API Render
GunJS Peer Heroku


Run Frontend

cd frontend
npm install
npm run start

Run Backend

cd backend
poetry shell
poetry install
uvicorn src:app --reload

How to play


1. Join a game or start a new one
2. If you start a new game, you are the "Creator"


3. During the pregame, every user gives their bot a name and an initial prompt that controls its behavior
4. During the pregame, every user also gives the aligner a prompt. This prompt is joined with aligner prompts submitted by other users. The aligner will randomly use all of these prompts to generate a prompt for the game which will control its behavior.


5. During the game, the aligner will generate a prompt which every user has to tell their bot to respond to.
6. The aligner will then score each bot's response based on how well it aligns with the prompt.
7. The bot with the most aligned response will give its user a point.
8. The first user to 10 points wins!
9. The game will repeat steps 5-8 until a winner is declared.


10. Users will go home and reflect on the game. They will think about how they could have done better and how they can improve their bot for the next game.