
Sanboxing unplugged

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Sandboxing unplugged.

How To UseKey FeaturesRoadmapDependencies

How To Use

To run this application. From your command line:

# Install package globally
$ npm install -g offline-blitz

# Run sandbox
$ offline-blitz <filename>

# Edit the code with your favorite editor
$ vim <filename>

# Run terminal in a vim split
vim -s <(echo ":vs|:term offline-blitz -a <action> %") <filename>


  • -n, --no-gui Run without gui, using only stdout.
  • -a, --action <action> Specify one or more actions that should be callable from the sandbox environment. <action> should correspond with function names in the file being tested. Actions can be provided either one by one or using a comma separated list. Actions will be ignored when using the -n option.

Key Features

  • Sandbox mode: Run your local ts-files with watch mode
  • Local environment: Enables to use locally installed packages
// my-sandbox-repo/src/sum.ts
import { of } from 'rxjs'; // <-- resolved from locally installed package
import { reduce } from 'rxjs/operators';

const source = of(1000, 300, 30, 7);
const example = source.pipe(reduce((acc, val) => acc + val));
//output: sum: 1337'
example.subscribe(val => console.log('sum:', val));
  • Interactive mode => provide actions: Use provided action to be triggered within interactive mode
# This will make functions action1() and action2() callable at will from within the sandbox.
$ offline-blitz -a action1 -a action2 <filename>

# This is equavilent to the above example.
$ offline-blitz -a action1,action2 <filename>

Short example

// ordersum.ts
const price = 149;
let amount = 33;

function setRandomAmount() {
  amount = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
  console.log('Amount updated to', amount);

function calculateSum() {
  console.log('Total amount is:', price * amount);
# Run above example with
$ offline-blitz -a setRandomAmount,calculateSum ordersum.ts
  • Simple logging: Possibility to keep it simple
# This will run offline-blitz without gui, using stdout. Any actions provided will be ignored.
$ offline-blitz -n <filename>

(See CHANGELOG for latest features/fixes)



  • Enable interactive gui
  • Enable to use provided actions


  • Add -h, --help argument to list all available options.
  • Improve documentations. Provide more examples/use cases.
  • Improve public api for locally installed offline-blitz package.
  • ...


Stated goal is to keep dependencies as minimal as possible without reinventing the wheel twice.

  • chokidar: watch files for changes
  • ts-node: compile and run typescript code
  • blessed: interactive ui
  • arg: parse command line arguments