A simple shopping list application with focus on user experience.
This application requires you to have docker and docker-compose installed.
- Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:erhuz/shopping-list.git
- Set up environment variables.
cp .env.example .env && cp .env.docker _docker/.env
- Enter shoppinglist.test into your hosts file.
On mac / linux, the hosts file is located at
. shoppinglist.test
- Make helper script executable.
(You might have to prefix this command with
chmod +x dev.sh
- Start docker containers.
./dev.sh up
Or you can run cd _docker && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d mysql nginx workspace phpmyadmin
- Install npm dependencies
npm install
- Build css & javascript.
npm run dev
- Enter the workspace container.
./dev.sh workspace
- Run composer install inside the workspace container.
composer install
Visit the application in your browser at
(Optional) Stop docker containers.
./dev.sh down
Or you can run docker-compose -f _docker/docker-compose.yml down
- Simple and nice interface, nothing should be in the way.
- Focus on easily adding goods and sharing it.
- Setup github actions for tests.
- Setup github actions for deployment.
- to check a checkbox when you have taken an item type.
The Shopping list app is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.